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Macroscelidea (elephant shrew)

Mammalia - Macroscelidea

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1866Dipogales Murray
1956Macroscelidea Butler
1967Macroscelidea Van Valen
1975Macroscelidea McKenna p. 42
1988Macroscelidea Carroll
1991Macroscelidea Nowak
1999Macroscelidea Waddell et al. p. cover
2001Macroscelidea Madsen et al. p. 610
2001Macroscelidea Waddell et al. p. 148
2005Macroscelidea Wilson and Reeder
2005Macroscelidea Zack et al.
2007Macroscelidea Seiffert

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumChordataHaeckel 1874
subclassDipnotetrapodomorpha(Nelson 2006)
subclassAmphibiosauriaKuhn 1967
AfrotheriaStanhope et al. 1998
orderMacroscelideaButler 1956
orderMacroscelideaButler 1956

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Or. Macroscelidea Butler 1956 [elephant shrew]
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Fm. †Adapisoricidae Schlosser 1887
G. †Adapisorex Lemoine 1883
Adapisorex gaudryi Lemoine 1883
G. †Adunator Russell 1964
Adunator abditus Secord 2008
Adunator amplus Secord 2008
Adunator fredericki Rigby, Jr. 1980
Adunator ladae Simpson 1935
Invalid names: Mckennatherium libitum Van Valen 1965 [synonym]
Adunator lehmani Russell 1964
Adunator martinezi Rigby, Jr. 1980
Adunator meizon Gingerich 1983
Adunator minutus Jepsen 1930
Invalid names: Scenopagus proavus Winterfeld 1982 [synonym]
Invalid names: Mckennatherium Van Valen 1965 [synonym]
Fm. †Afrohypselodontidae Senut and Pickford 2021
G. †Afrohypselodontus Senut and Pickford 2021
Afrohypselodontus grandis Senut and Pickford 2021
Afrohypselodontus minus Senut and Pickford 2021
Fm. †Amphilemuridae Hill 1953
G. †Alsaticopithecus Hürzeler 1947
Alsaticopithecus leemani Hürzeler 1947
Alsaticopithecus leemanni Hürzeler 1947
G. †Amphilemur Heller 1935
Amphilemur eocaenicus Heller 1935
G. †Gesneropithex Hürzeler 1946
Gesneropithex fingularis Hooker 1986
Gesneropithex peyeri Hürzeler 1946
Subfm. †Hylomysoidinae Tong and Wang 2006
G. †Hylomysoides Tong and Wang 2006
Hylomysoides qiensis Tong and Wang 2006
G. †Qilulestes Tong and Wang 2006
Qilulestes schieboutae Tong and Wang 2006
G. †Macrocranion Weitzel 1949
Macrocranion junnei Smith et al. 2002
Macrocranion nitens Matthew 1918
Macrocranion robinsoni Krishtalka and Setoguchi 1977
Macrocranion tenerum Tobien 1962
Macrocranion tupaiodon Weitzel 1949
Macrocranion vandebroeki Quinet 1964
Invalid names: Dormaalius simonsi Quinet 1964 [synonym]
Invalid names: Aculeodens Weitzel 1949 [synonym], Dormaalius Quinet 1964 [synonym]
G. †Neomatronella Russell et al. 1975
Neomatronella gassoni Hooker 2010
Neomatronella luciannae Russell et al. 1975
G. †Pholidocercus von Koenigswald and Storch 1983
Pholidocercus hassiacus von Koenigswald and Storch 1983
G. †Zionodon Dunn and Rasmussen 2009
Zionodon satanus Dunn and Rasmussen 2009
Zionodon walshi Dunn and Rasmussen 2009
Invalid names: Amphilemurinae Hill 1953 [empty], Dormaaliidae Quinet 1964 [synonym]
Fm. †Apheliscidae Matthew 1918
G. †Aletodon Gingerich 1977
Aletodon conardae Winterfeld 1982
Aletodon gunnelli Gingerich 1977
Aletodon mellon Van Valen 1978
Aletodon quadravus Gingerich 1983
Subfm. †Apheliscinae Matthew 1918
G. †Parapheliscus Van Valen 1967
G. †Apheliscus Cope 1875
Apheliscus chydaeus Gingerich 1994
Apheliscus insidiosus Cope 1874
Apheliscus nitidus Simpson 1937
Apheliscus wapitiensis Van Valen 1967
G. †Dorraletes Gingerich 1983
G. †Gingerichia Zack et al. 2005
Gingerichia geoteretes Zack et al. 2005
Gingerichia hystrix Zack et al. 2005
G. †Haplaletes Simpson 1935
Haplaletes andakupensis Van Valen 1978
Haplaletes disceptatrix Simpson 1935
Haplaletes pelicatus Gazin 1956
G. †Haplomylus Matthew 1915
Haplomylus bozemanensis Robinson and Williams 1997
Haplomylus meridionalis Beard and Dawson 2009
Haplomylus palustris Gingerich 1994
Haplomylus scottianus Gingerich 1994
Haplomylus simpsoni Rose 1981
Haplomylus speirianus Cope 1880
Haplomylus zalmouti Gingerich and Smith 2006
G. †Litomylus Simpson 1935
Litomylus aequidens Matthew 1937
Litomylus dissentaneus Simpson 1935
Invalid names: Litomylus osceolae Van Valen 1978 [synonym], Litomylus scaphiscus Gazin 1956 [synonym]
Litomylus grandaletes Scott et al. 2002
Litomylus ishami Gazin 1956
Litomylus orthronepius Johnston and Fox 1984
Litomylus scaphicus Gazin 1956
Subfm. †Louisininae Sudre and Russell 1982
G. †Khamsaconus Sudre et al. 1993
Khamsaconus bulbosus Sudre et al. 1993
G. †Phenacodaptes Jepsen 1930
Phenacodaptes sabulosus Jepsen 1930
G. †Utemylus Gingerich 1983
Utemylus latomius Gingerich 1983
Utemylus serior Gazin 1956
G. †Litocherus Gingerich 1983
Litocherus lacunatus Gazin 1956
Invalid names: Litomylus alphamon Van Valen 1978 [synonym]
Litocherus notissimus Simpson 1936
Litocherus zygeus Gingerich 1983
Fm. †Louisinidae Hooker and Russell 2012
G. †Berrulestes Hooker and Russell 2012
Berrulestes pellouini Hooker and Russell 2012
Berrulestes phelizoni Hooker and Russell 2012
Berrulestes poirieri Hooker and Russell 2012
G. †Cingulodon De Bast and Smith 2017
Cingulodon magioncaldai De Bast and Smith 2017
G. †Dipavali Van Valen 1978
Dipavali petri Russell 1964
G. †Gigarton Hooker and Russell 2012
Gigarton louisi Hooker and Russell 2012
Gigarton meyeri Hooker and Russell 2012
Gigarton sigogneauae Hooker and Russell 2012
G. †Louisina Russell 1964
Louisina marci Hooker and Russell 2012
Louisina mirabilis Russell 1964
G. †Monshyus Sudre and Russell 1982
Monshyus praevius Sudre and Russell 1982
G. †Prolouisina Hooker and Russell 2012
Prolouisina atavella Russell 1964
G. †Thryptodon Hooker and Russell 2012
Thryptodon brailloni Hooker and Russell 2012
G. †Walbeckodon Hooker and Russell 2012
Walbeckodon girardi Hooker and Russell 2012
Walbeckodon krumbiegeli Hooker and Russell 2012
Fm. Macroscelididae Bonaparte 1838 [elephant shrew]
Subfm. †Herodotiinae Simons et al. 1991
G. †Chambius Hartenberger 1986
Chambius kasserinensis Hartenberger 1986
G. †Eotmantsoius Tabuce et al. 2012
Eotmantsoius perseverans Simons et al. 1991
G. †Herodotius Simons et al. 1991
Herodotius pattersoni Simons et al. 1991
G. †Nementchatherium Tabuce et al. 2001
Nementchatherium rathbuni Tabuce et al. 2012
Nementchatherium senarhense Tabuce et al. 2001
Subfm. Macroscelidinae Bonaparte 1838
Tr. Elephantulini Dumbacher et al. 2016
G. Elephantulus Thomas and Schwann 1906
Elephantulus brachyrhynchus Smith 1834 [Short-snouted elephant shrew]
Elephantulus edwardii Smith 1839 [Cape elephant shrew]
Elephantulus fuscipes Thomas 1894 [Dusky-footed elephant shrew]
Elephantulus fuscus Peters 1852 [Dusky elephant shrew]
Elephantulus intufi Smith 1834 [Bushveld elephant shrew]
Elephantulus myurus Thomas and Schwann 1906 [Eastern rock elephant shrew]
Elephantulus revoili Huet 1881 [Somali elephant shrew]
Elephantulus rufescens Peters 1878 [Rufous elephant shrew]
Elephantulus rupestris Smith 1831 [Western rock elephant shrew]
Invalid names: Elephantomys Broom 1938 [synonym]
G. †Hiwegicyon Butler 1984
Hiwegicyon juvenalis Butler 1984
G. Nasilio Thomas and Schwann 1906
G. †Palaeothentoides Stromer 1932
Tr. Macroscelidini Bonaparte 1838
G. Macroscelides Smith
Macroscelides proboscideus Shaw 1800 [Short-eared elephant shrew]
Invalid names: Diposorex Blainville 1838 [synonym], Eumerus Saint-Hilaire 1829 [synonym], Macroscelis Fischer 1830 [synonym], Rhinomys Lichtenstein 1831 [synonym]
G. †Metoldobotes Schlosser 1910
G. Petrodromus Peters 1846
Petrodromus tetradactylus Peters 1846 [four-toed elephant shrew]
Invalid names: Cercoctenus Hollister 1916 [synonym], Mesoctenus Thomas 1918 [synonym]
G. Petrosaltator Dumbacher et al. 2016
Petrosaltator rozeti Duvernoy 1833 [North african elephant shrew]
G. †Miosengi Grossman and Holroyd 2009 [sengi]
Miosengi butleri Grossman and Holroyd 2009
G. †Pronasilio Butler 1984
Pronasilio ternanensis Butler 1984
Invalid names: Rhynchocyonini Gill 1872 [empty]
Subfm. †Mylomygalinae Camp et al. 1953
G. †Mylomygale Broom 1948
Subfm. †Namasenginae Senut and Pickford 2021
G. †Namasengi Senut and Pickford 2021
Namasengi mockeae Senut and Pickford 2021
Fm. †Myohyracidae Andrews 1914
G. †Myohyrax Andrews 1914
Myohyrax oswaldi Andrews 1914
G. †Promyohyrax Senut and Pickford 2021
Promyohyrax namibiensis Senut and Pickford 2021
G. †Protypotheroides Stromer 1922
Fm. †Rhynchocyonidae Gill 1872
G. †Brevirhynchocyon Senut and Pickford 2021
G. †Eorhynchocyon Senut and Pickford 2021
Eorhynchocyon rupestris Senut and Pickford 2021
G. †Hypsorhynchocyon Senut 2008
G. †Miorhynchocyon Butler 1984
Miorhynchocyon clarki Butler and Hopwood 1957
Miorhynchocyon meswae Butler 1984
G. Rhynchocyon Peters 1847
Rhynchocyon chrysopygus Günther 1881 [Golden-rumped elephant shrew]
Rhynchocyon cirnei Peters 1847
Rhynchocyon clarki Butler and Hopwood 1957
Rhynchocyon petersi Bocage 1880
Rhynchocyon rusingae Butler 1969
Invalid names: Rhinonax Thomas 1918 [synonym]
Invalid names: Dipogales Murray 1866 [synonym]
No diagnoses are available