Where: Vienna, Austria (48.0° N, 16.2° E: paleocoordinates 47.4° N, 15.8° E)
• coordinate based on nearby landmark
When: Upper Lagenidae foram zone, Vienna Basin Formation, Middle Miocene (16.0 - 11.6 Ma)
• The formation of the Vienna Basin started in the Early Miocene as an E–W trending piggyback basin on top of the Alpine thrust belt. Owing to rapid subsidence, the Miocene sedimentary successions reach up to 5,500 m thickness in the central part of the basin.
Environment/lithology: shallow subtidal; fine-grained, medium, silty, sandy claystone and poorly lithified, shelly/skeletal sandstone
•Samples E4a, E4b, S2 (BSB), S3 (BSB): tempestitic shell bed with sandy silt matrix
•Sample E1, E5: fine-medium sand
•Sample E2: conglomerate with sandy matrix
•Sample E3: poorly sorted coarse sand
Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils, microfossils
Preservation: shellbed
Collection methods: bulk, surface (in situ), sieve
• We excavated seven deep trenches with power shovels. We took 28 bulk samples from sediments at this section, their weights ranging from 1,700 to 3,800 g. The sediment was wet sieved through a 1 mm screen, and material 1 mm was quantitatively picked under a binocular microscope for all biogenic components.
Primary reference: M. Zuschin, M. Harzhauser, and O. Mandic. 2007. The Stratigraphic and Sedimentologic Framework of Fine-Scale Faunal Replacements in the Middle Miocene of the Vienna Basin (Austria). Palaios 22(3):285-295 [M. Uhen/M. Bean/M. Bean]more details
Purpose of describing collection: general faunal/floral analysis
PaleoDB collection 174159: authorized by Mark Uhen, entered by Meredith Bean on 31.10.2015
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
Bivalvia | |
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"Panopea menardi" = Panopea (Panopea) menardi
"Panopea menardi" = Panopea (Panopea) menardi Deshayes 1829 clam Average abundance, Tempistitic shell beds with sandy matrix
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Circomphalus subplicatus, Venus nux, "Gouldia minima" = Gouldia (Gouldia) minima, Pelecyora islandicoides
Circomphalus subplicatus dOrbigny 1852 venus clam Average abundance, Tempistitic shell beds with sandy matrix
"Gouldia minima" = Gouldia (Gouldia) minima Montagu 1803 venus clam Average abundance, Tempistitic shell beds with sandy matrix
Pelecyora islandicoides Lamarck 1818 venus clam Average abundance, Tempistitic shell beds with sandy matrix
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"Corbula gibba" = Corbula (Varicorbula) gibba
"Corbula gibba" = Corbula (Varicorbula) gibba Oliva 1792 clam (s.l.) Average abundance, Tempistitic shell beds with sandy matrix
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"Ostrea digitalina" = Cubitostrea digitalina
"Ostrea digitalina" = Cubitostrea digitalina Eichwald 1830 oyster Average abundance, Sandy level-bottom assemblages (2) + Tempestitic shell beds with sandy matrix (2.67)
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Glycymeris cf. pilosa Linnaeus 1767 clam Average abundance, Sandy level-bottom assemblages (1.5) + Tempistitic shell beds with sandy matrix (1.33)
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Gastropoda | |
Gibbula pseudangulata, "Paroxystele orientalis" = Diloma (Paroxystele)
Gibbula pseudangulata Boettger 1907 top snail Average abundance, Sandy level-bottom assemblages (3.75) + Tempistitic shell beds with sandy matrix (4)
"Paroxystele orientalis" = Diloma (Paroxystele) top snail Average abundance, Tempistitic shell beds with sandy matrix
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Tricolia eichwaldi snail Average abundance, Sandy level-bottom assemblages (6) + Tempistitic shell beds with sandy matrix (4.67)
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"Turritella erronea" = Turritella (Archimediella) erronea, Turritella tricincta, Turritella bicarinata
"Turritella erronea" = Turritella (Archimediella) erronea Cossmann 1914 turret shell Average abundance, Tempistitic shell beds with sandy matrix
Turritella tricincta Münster 1841 turret shell Average abundance, Tempistitic shell beds with sandy matrix
Turritella bicarinata Elchwald 1830 turret shell Average abundance, Tempistitic shell beds with sandy matrix
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Bittium reticulatum Montagu 1803 cerith snail Average abundance, Sandy level-bottom assemblages (11.75) + Tempestitic shell beds with sandy matrix (9)
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Conus dujardini Deshayes 1845 cone shell Average abundance, Tempistitic shell beds with sandy matrix
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Aporrhais pespelecani Linnaeus 1758 snail Average abundance, Tempistitic shell beds with sandy matrix
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Scaphopoda | |
Antalis cf. quindeciesstriata tusk shell Average abundance, Tempistitic shell beds with sandy matrix
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Sedentaria | |
Serpulidae indet. Rafinesque 1835 (incl. Protula protensa) Average abundance, Tempistitic shell beds with sandy matrix