Acquasparta, Meister and Blau's profile, bed M37 (Jurassic of Italy)

Where: Italy (42.7° N, 12.6° E: paleocoordinates 29.3° N, 17.5° E)

• coordinate estimated from map

When: Margaritatus ammonoid zone, Margaritatus (189.6 - 183.0 Ma)

• Reynesoceras sp. Horizon

Environment/lithology: marine; lithified, gray, red limestone and lithified, red marl

• The outcropping grey “Corniola” is intercalated by about 7 m of reddish-greyish limestones alternating with red marls

Size class: macrofossils

Preservation: cast

Primary reference: C. Meister and J. Blau. 2014. Pliensbachian ammonites from the Central Apennines, Italy (Acquasparta section) – a revision of Fischer’s collection and new data. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie 273(3):253-275 [A. Kocsis/G. Harrison]more details

Purpose of describing collection: biostratigraphic analysis

PaleoDB collection 196690: authorized by Adam Kocsis, entered by George William Harrison on 28.09.2018

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Phylloceratida - Phylloceratidae
"Phylloceras (ex gr. herbertinum) frondosum" = Phylloceras hebertinum
"Phylloceras (ex gr. herbertinum) frondosum" = Phylloceras hebertinum Reynes 1868 ammonite
 Ammonitida - Dactylioceratidae
Reynesoceras sp. Spath 1936 ammonite
 Ammonitida - Hildoceratidae
Arieticeratinae sp. Howarth 1955 ammonite