ABu-5 (Porters Creek) (Paleocene of the United States)

Where: Butler County, Alabama (31.9° N, 86.9° W: paleocoordinates 34.8° N, 66.9° W)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• small collection-level geographic resolution

When: Morozovella uncinata and Subbotina trinidadensis foram zone, lower Member (Porters Creek Formation), Danian (66.0 - 61.6 Ma)

• revised age information based on Zullo and Perreault 1991. Local section name: ABu-5

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: offshore; poorly lithified, brown, gray, calcareous sandstone

• The lower 2 m of the PCF are well exposed and include laminated mudstone and claystone with dispersed glauconite and foraminifera and centimeter-diameter, glauconite-filled, horizontal burrows. The lower part of the PCF is overlain by a 2–3 m interval of discontinuous iron oxide concretions. Above the concretion zone, the upper PCF is massive mudstone in medium to thick beds. (Larsen et al. 2015)
• gray to brown calcareous sand and sandstone

Size class: mesofossils

Primary reference: L. D. Toulmin. 1977. Stratigraphic Distribution of Paleocene and Eocene Fossils in the Eastern Gulf Coast Region. Geological Survey of Alabama, Monograph 13(1):1-602 [M. Patzkowsky/K. Layou/P. Mannion]more details

Purpose of describing collection: biostratigraphic analysis

PaleoDB collection 2855: authorized by Mark Patzkowsky, entered by Karen Layou on 21.07.1999

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

• additional taxa of Zullo and Perreault 1991 include some but not all of the forams and ostracodes, with mention of bryozoans and echinoderms
 Nodosariida - Nodosariidae
Nodosaria sp. Lamarck 1812
Dentalina sp. d'Orbigny 1826
 Vaginulinida - Vaginulinidae
Lenticulina sp. Lamarck 1804
 Pennatulacea -
Echinoidea indet. Leske 1778 sea urchin
Ophiuroidea indet. Gray 1840 brittle star
Asteroidea indet. de Blainville 1830 sea star
 Sabellida - Serpulidae
 Nautilida - Hercoglossidae
Cimomia subrecta Miller and Thompson 1933
 Nautilida - Nautilidae
Eutrephoceras sp. Hyatt 1894
 Ostreida - Ostreidae
"Pycnodonte (Phyrgaea) aff. pulaskensis" = Ostrea pulaskensis
"Pycnodonte (Phyrgaea) aff. pulaskensis" = Ostrea pulaskensis Harris 1892 oyster
P. (Phyrgaea)
 Pholadida - Teredinidae
Teredo sp. Linnaeus 1758 clam
originally entered as "Teredo spp."
 Carditida - Carditidae
Venericardia sp. Lamarck 1801 clam
originally entered as "Venericardia spp."
 Neogastropoda - Buccinidae
Pseudoliva sp. Swainson 1840 true whelk
 Dentaliida - Dentaliidae
 Platycopida - Cytherellidae
Cytherella sp. Jones 1849 ostracod
 Podocopida - Bairdiidae
Bairdia sp. M'Coy 1844 ostracod
 Scalpellomorpha - Scalpellidae
Arcoscalpellum toulmini n. sp. Weisbord 1977 barnacle
apparently replaces "Euscalpellum? sp."; species described by Weisbord 1977