Contres, Loir-et-Cher (Miocene of France)

Where: France (47.4° N, 1.4° E: paleocoordinates 47.6° N, 0.0° E)

• coordinate estimated from map

When: MN5 mammal zone, Langhian (16.0 - 13.8 Ma)

• Auge et al (2002) suggest that some continental sediments of MN3 age have been reworked into this (MN5) locality so there is some incongruence in the taxonomic list

Environment/lithology: fluvial; claystone

• Mixture of marine sedimentary deposits and continental reworked sediments
• Falun

Size class: macrofossils

Primary reference: C. Gagnaison, L. Castillo, and P.-A. Gillet. 2006. Pomatodelphis stenorhynchus: Un "daupin de rivere" fossile dans le Miocene de Contres. Bulletin de la Societe d'etudes Scientifiques de l'Anjou 20:75-78 [M. Uhen/M. Uhen]more details

Purpose of describing collection: general faunal/floral analysis

PaleoDB collection 90354: authorized by Mark Uhen, entered by Mark Uhen on 17.07.2009, edited by David Nicholson and Terri Cleary

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

Rhodanictis depereti1
MNHN C 770, right m1 tooth
 Rhinopristiformes - Rhynchobatidae
Rhynchobatus pristinus1 Probst 1877 wedgefish
18 teeth
 Rajiformes - Rhinobatidae
Rhinobatus cf. antunesi1 Jonet 1968 guitarfish
14 teeth
 Myliobatiformes - Dasyatidae
Dasyatidae indet.1 Jordan 1888 whiptail stingray
86 teeth
Dasyatis minuta1 whiptail stingray
a few teeth (number unspecified)
Dasyatis probsti1 Cappetta 1970 whiptail stingray
a few teeth (number unspecified)
Dasyatis ? rugosa1 Probst 1877 whiptail stingray
partial tooth
 Myliobatiformes - Aetobatidae
Aetobatus sp.1 Blainville 1816 stingray
2 partial teeth
 Lamniformes - Otodontidae
"? Cretolamna appendiculata" = Cretalamna appendiculata1
"? Cretolamna appendiculata" = Cretalamna appendiculata1 Agassiz 1835 mackerel shark
1 tooth
 Lamniformes - Carchariidae
Carcharias acutissima1 Agassiz 1843 sand shark
27 teeth
 Orectolobiformes - Ginglymostomatidae
Ginglymostoma sp.1 Müller and Henle 1838 nurse shark
2 rolled(?) teeth
 Carcharhiniformes - Hemigaleidae
Chaenogaleus sp.1 Gill 1861 ground shark
1 vertebra
Chaenogaleus affinis1 Probst 1878 ground shark
1 rolled(?) tooth
 Carcharhiniformes - Scyliorhinidae
Scyliorhinus distans1 Probst 1879 cat shark
6 teeth
 Carcharhiniformes - Sphyrnidae
Sphyrna arambourgi1 hammerhead shark
13 teeth
 Carcharhiniformes - Carcharhinidae
Carcharhinus sp.1 de Blainville 1816 requiem shark
33 teeth
Isogomphodon acuarius1 daggernose shark
16 teeth
 Squatiniformes - Squatinidae
Squatina subserrata1 angel shark
1 vertebra
 Squamata - Lacertidae
Lacertidae indet.1 Bonaparte 1831 squamates
Vg/t 17, anterior part of dentary
Amblyolacerta sp.1 Roček 1984 squamates
MNHN C 195, incomplete dentary
 Squamata - Gekkonidae
? Gekkonidae indet.1 Gray 1825 gecko
MNHN C 196, fragment of mandible
 Squamata - Anguidae
Anguinae indet.1 Gray 1825 squamates
MNHN C 1022, dorsal vertebra
 Squamata - Varanidae
Varanidae indet.1 Hardwicke and Gray 1824 monitor lizard
cervical vertebra (no specimen no. given)
 Accipitriformes - Accipitridae
Aquilavus sp.1 Lambrecht 1933 hawk
MNHN C 683, claw
 Crocodylia -
"Diplocynodon styriacus" = Diplocynodon ungeri1
"Diplocynodon styriacus" = Diplocynodon ungeri1 Prangner 1845 crocodilian
MNHN C 281, 121 isolated teeth; MNHN C 945, fragment of posterior premaxilla; MNHN C 168, 449, 2 fragments of maxillae; MNHN C 122, 522 and 923, cranial fragments; MNHN C 686, frontal; MNHN C 231, complete exoccipital; MNHN C 15, 203, 446, fragmentary dentaries; MNHN C 70, posterior part of dentary; MNHN C 1023, complete angular; MNHN C 6, 31, 183, 305, 359, 459, 539, vertebral bodies; MNHN C 1024-27 and 283, 5 incomplete dorsal scutes; MNHN C 24, 258, 482 and 1028-40, 16 incomplete dorsal scutes; MNHN C 1041-43, 3 ventral scutes; MNHN C 180, proximal half of femur
 Crocodylia - Gavialidae
Gavialis sp.1 Oppel 1811 gharial
MNHN C 1044-45, 2 teeth
 Testudines - Geoemydidae
Ptychogaster sp.1 Pomel 1847 turtle
MNHN C 964-65, fragments of anterior peripheral scutes; MNHN C 963, peripheral bridge scute; MNHN C 962, fragment of hypoplastron
Mauremys sp.1 Gray 1870 pond turtle
MNHN C 966, fragment of pleural scute I; MNHN C 967, fragment of pleural scute; MNHN C 968-69, peripheral scutes; MNHN C 632, peripheral bridge scute; MNHN C 970, posterior peripheral scute; MNHN C 93, 788, 971, 971-3, fragments of hyoplastron and hypoplastron
Mauremys ex gr. sarmatica2 Purschke 1885 pond turtle
 Testudines - Testudinidae
Testudinidae indet.1 Batsch 1788 turtle
MNHN C 358, 664, 1013-17, 6 fragments of pleural scutes and 1 scute of indeterminable position; MNHN C 455, fragment of peripheral scute; MNHN C 556, 568, 1019-20, fragments of plastron
sensu lato Testudo sp.1 Linnaeus 1758 turtle
MNHN C 975, fragment of nuchal scute; MNHN C 976, fragment of peripheral scute 2; MNHN C 977-78, 2 fragments of hypoplastron; MNHN C 974, fragment of nuchal scute; MNHN C 14, fragment of anterior peripheral scute
 Testudines - Trionychidae
Trionyx sp.1 Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire 1809 softshell turtle
MNHN C 1000, left dentary; MNHN C 980-997, 18 fragments of pleural scutes (adult); MNHN C 998-99, 2 fragments of pleural scutes (juvenile); MNHN C 1001-1006, 6 plastron fragments; MNHN C 1007-1012, 6 scute fragments
 Testudines - Chelydridae
Chelydropsis sp.1 Peters 1868 turtle
MNHN C 979, posterior peripheral scute; MNHN C 1018, fragment of carapace; MNHN C 238, lateral plastron fragment
 Testudines -
"Chelonii indet." = Testudines1
"Chelonii indet." = Testudines1 Batsch 1788 turtle
MNHN C 553, scapula fragment, MNHN C 304, 309, 393, 497, 4 incomplete humerii
 Proboscidea - Gomphotheriidae
Gomphotheriidae indet.1 Hay 1922 gomphothere
MNHN C 619, top of dental cone; MNHN C 264, 618, 821, dental fragments
 Rodentia - Gliridae
Gliridae indet.1 Muirhead 1819 dormouse
MNHN C 1649-50, teeth. 1 M1, 1 m2
Eomuscardinus sansaniensis1 Lartet 1851 dormouse
MNHN C 1629-31, teeth. Left m1 and two fragments of molar
Pseudodryomys sp.1 de Bruijn 1966 dormouse
MNHN C 1646-48, teeth. 2 fragments of upper molars, 1 m1, 1 m2
Miodyromys aegercii1 Baudelot 1972 dormouse
MNHN C 1632-41, teeth. 1 P4, 1 M1, 1 M2, 1 d4, 1 p4, 1 broken m1, 4 m2, 1 m3, and two fragments of molars
 Rodentia - Sciuridae
Palaeosciurus cf. fissurae1 squirrel
MNHN C 1656-57, teeth. Left M1 and left m2
Heteroxerus huerzeleri1 squirrel
MNHN C 1651-54, teeth. Left P4, right M1, left M2, and fragment of upper molar
 Rodentia - Castoridae
Anchitheriomys suevicus1 Schlosser 1884 beaver
MNHN C 255, right I1 tooth
Monosaulax minutus1 beaver
MNHN C 936, isolated incisor
Steneofiber depereti1 Mayet 1908 beaver
Steneofiber depereti carnutense. MNHN C 732, right M 1/2; MNHN C 436, incomplete left M 1/2; MNHN C 902, 932, right p4; MNHN C 509, right partial mandible withe m1-m2 and alveolus of m3; MNHN C 225, 782, left incisor; MNHN C 245, right astragalus; MNHN C 538, left astragalus
 Rodentia - Eomyidae
Ligerimys florancei1 rodent
MNHN C 1621-28, teeth. 4 M1 or M2, 1 M3, 2 m1 and a right m3
 Rodentia - Cricetidae
Democricetodon mutilus1 Fahlbusch 1964 rodent
MNHN C 1704-10, teeth. 2 fragments of M1, 1 right M3, 1 complete m1 and 1 fragmentary, 1 m2, 2 m3
Lartetomys mirabilis1 Mein and Freudenthal 1971 rodent
MNHN C 1667-68, teeth. Left m2 and left m3
Eucricetodon cf. infralactorensis1 Viret 1930 rodent
MNHN C 1662-65, teeth. 2 M2, 1 m1, fragmentary m2
Megacricetodon germanicus1 rodent
MNHN C 1711-35, teeth. 7 M1, 3 M2 (incl. two fragmentary), 1 M3, 8 m1, 5 m2 [this only adds to 24 but the paper gives 25 specimen numbers]
Megacricetodon cf. collongensis1 Mein 1958 rodent
MNHN C 1672-1683, teeth. 1 M1, 3 M2, 4 fragments of m1 and 4 fragments of m2
Megacricetodon bavaricus1 Fahlbusch 1964 rodent
MNHN C 1685-1701, teeth. 6 M1, 4 M2, 2 M3, 1 m1, 3 m2, 1 m3
Cricetodon cf. meini1 Freudenthal 1963 rodent
MNHN C 1666, incomplete right M1 tooth
 Lagomorpha - Ochotonidae
Prolagus oeningensis1 König 1825 pika
MNHN C 1044-1541, teeth. Includes 98 p3, 9 P2, 63 P3, 59 P4, 46 M1, 43 M2 and a number of incisors and isolated lower teeth
Lagopsis penai1 pika
MNHN C 1542-1606, teeth. Includes 20 p3, 1 P2, 26 P3 and other isolated teeth
 Primates - Pliopithecidae
"Pliopithecus piveteaui" = Pliopithecus antiquus1
"Pliopithecus piveteaui" = Pliopithecus antiquus1 Blainville 1839 monkey
MNHN C 934, left M2 tooth
 Carnivora - Mustelidae
Martes munki1 marten
MNHN C 35, right P4 protocone; MNHN C 791, incomplete left P4; MNHN C 469, left m1 paracone
Trochictis carbonaria1 Meyer 1842 mustelid carnivore
MNHN C 839, right M1; MNHN C 190, left m1; MNHN C 727, left m2; MNHN C 729, left distal humerus; MNHN C 850 phalange I; MNHN C 823, phalange II
 Carnivora - Amphicyonidae
Amphicyon giganteus1 Schinz 1825 bear-dog
MNHN C 784, left ischium
 Carnivora - Viverridae
Semigenetta repelini1 civet
MNHN C 172, right P3; MNHN C 345, left calcaneum
 Carnivora - Hyaenidae
Protictitherium gaillardi1 Forsyth Major 1903 hyaena
MNHN C 361, right anterior P4
 Perissodactyla - Equidae
Anchitherium aurelianense1 Cuvier 1825 anchitheriine horse
MNHN C 382, incomplete P4 or M1 tooth; MNHN C 338, paracone of upper molar; MNHN C 78, m3 tooth
 Perissodactyla - Rhinocerotidae
Brachypotherium brachypus1 Lartet 1848 rhinoceros
MNHN C 495, left DP4 tooth; MNHN C 646, proximo-medial portion of right Mt IV; MNHN C 45, central metapodial
Prosantorhinus douvillei1 Osborn 1902 rhinoceros
MNHN C 761, right P2 tooth; MNHN C 918, right DP4; MNHN C 492, left semilunar; MNHN C 86, 102, fragments of upper premolars; MNHN C 198, fragment of left lower incisor; MNHN C 365, fragment of p4; MNHN C 169, 181, 187, 628, 806, 808, 822, fragments of lower molars; MNHN C 775, phalange I of lateral finger
Protaceratherium minutum1 Osborn 1900 rhinoceros
MNHN C 728, right m1/2
 Perissodactyla - Chalicotheriidae
cf. Chalicotherium grande1 de Blainville 1849 chalicothere
MNHN C 626, M3 tooth; MNHN C 212, phalange I
 Cetacea - Platanistidae
Pomatodelphis stenorhynchus Holl 1829 toothed whale
 Artiodactyla - Anthracotheriidae
Brachyodus intermedius1 anthracothere
MNHN C 780, fragment of protocone from left molar; MNHN C right fragmentary p2 tooth; MNHN C 191, left m tooth; MNHN C 638, right m3; MNHN C 658, left semilunar
 Artiodactyla -
Amphimoschus pontileviensis1 Bourgeois 1873 ruminant
MNHN C 333, right fragmentary P3 tooth; MNHN C 159, right P4; MNHN C 792, right M2; MNHN C 731, right M2; MNHN C 938, right M2; MNHN C 123, left M2; MNHN C 244, left M2; MNHN C 751, left M3; MNHN C 275, left M3; MNHN C 1, left M3; MNHN C 645, right M3; MNHN C 153, right p4; MNHN C 217, incomplete left m2; MNHN C 595, incomplete left m2; MNHN C 77, incomplete right m3; MNHN C 610, distal right radius; MNHN C 441, proximal left radius; MNHN C 909, distal right tibia; MNHN C 312, metapodial; MNHN C 920, metapodial; MNHN C 7, phalange I; MNHN C 344, phalange II; MNHN C 54, phalange III; MNHN C 880, phalange III; MNHN C 946, phalange III
 Artiodactyla - Bovidae
Eotragus sansaniensis1 Lartet 1851 antelope
MNHN C 17, left m1 tooth; MNHN C 175, left m1
 Artiodactyla - Palaeomerycidae
Procervulus dichotomus1 Gervais 1849 ruminant
MNHN C [various numbers, see paper], various elements including teeth, phalanges, scapulae, vertebrae and limb bones
Palaeomeryx bojani1 ruminant
MNHN C 420, right incomplete molar; MNHN C 149, right fragmentary molar; MNHN C 409, left m1; MNHN C 135, right m2; MNHN C 757, right scapula; MNHN C 104, right scapula; MNHN C 173, left scapula; MNHN C 229, left humerus; MNHN C 121, proximal left radius; MNHN C 641, left astragalus; MNHN C 814, left calcaneum; MNHN C 440, right cuboid-navicular bone; MNHN C 414, metapodial; MNHN C 875, phalange I; MNHN C 366, proximal phalange I; MNHN C 803, proximal phalange I; MNHN C 139, distal phalange I; MNHN C 809, phalange III
 Artiodactyla - Lagomerycidae
Dicrocerus elegans1 Lartet 1837 ruminant
Dicrocerus elegans parviceros; MNHN C 502, right P3 tooth; MNHN C 635, right M1; MNHN C 114, left M1; MNHN C 81, left M1; MNHN C 474, right m1; MNHN C 580, right m1; MNHN C 179, right m3; MNHN C 27, right m3; MNHN C 161, dp4; MNHN C 956, right scaphoid
Lagomeryx minimus1 ruminant
MNHN C 891, right M1 tooth; MNHN C 933, right M2; MNHN C 416, left m1; MNHN C 620, right m2; MNHN C 789, left m2; MNHN C 80, left incomplete m2; MNHN C 129, left m3; MNHN C 820, fragment of mandible with alveoli for p2-p3; MNHN C 637, right humerus; MNHN C 362, incomplete left humerus; MNHN C 310, left radius; MNHN C 622, left proximal tibia; MNHN C 677, left astragalus; MNHN C 224, left worm astragalus; MNHN C 219, right worn calcaneum; MNHN C 289, left calcaneum; MNHN C 9, left worn calcaneum; MNHN C 279, metapodial
Lagomeryx parvulus1 Roger 1898 ruminant
MNHN C 723, right M1(?) tooth; MNHN C 670, left M1; MNHN C 162, left M2(?); MNHN C 693, left M2/3; MNHN C 530, right astragalus; MNHN C 838, phalange II
 Artiodactyla - Tragulidae
Dorcatherium crassum1 Lartet 1851 chevrotain
MNHN C 874, left P2 tooth; MNHN C 736, right P4; MNHN C 831, right M1; MNHN C 142, right M2; MNHN C 840, right M2; MNHN C 558, right M3; MNHN C 99, DP4; MNHN C 160, right p2; MNHN C 533, right p2; MNHN C 778, right m2; MNHN C 339, left m2; MNHN C 119, right dp4; MNHN C 399, incomplete right dp4; MNHN C 290, left tibia; MNHN C 557, proximal right metatarsal; MNHN C 764, proximal left metatarsal; MNHN C 684, phalange I
Dorcatherium guntianum1 von Meyer 1846 chevrotain
MNHN C 63, right P4 tooth; MNHN C 85, incomplete right M1; MNHN C 67 left M1-2; MNHN C 95, right M1-2; MNHN C 698, left M1-2; MNHN C 374, right M1-2; MNHN C 533, right p2; MNHN C 88, right m; MNHN C 272, left m3; MNHN C 915, left calcaneum; MNHN C 286, phalange I; MNHN C 472, phalange I; MNHN C 397, juvenile phalange II; MNHN C 300, incomplete phalange II; MNHN C 124, phalange II; MNHN C 380, phalange III
 Artiodactyla - Suidae
Bunolistriodon lockharti1 pig
MNHN C 363, right cuboid bone
Aureliachoerus aurelianensis1 Stehlin 1899 pig
MNHN C 253, right P4 tooth; MNHN C 489, very worn right M1; MNHN C 146, fragmentary right M1; MNHN C 935, right fragmentary M1; MNHN C 636, right M2; MNHN C 234, right i1; MNHN C 882, right m1; MNHN C 316, left m1; MNHN C 113, right dp4; MNHN C 315, incomplete right dp4; MNHN C 690, right Mt III; MNHN C 776, fragment of mandibular with broken m2 and alveolus of m1
Hyotherium soemmeringi1 von Meyer 1834 pig
MNHN C 582, left P2 tooth; MNHN C 421, left P4; MNHN C 790, right p3; MNHN C 252, left m2; MNHN C 773, right dp4
 Tribosphenida - Erinaceidae
Galerix cf. exilis1 de Blainville 1839 hedgehog
MNHN C 1607-1612, fragments of teeth (left P4, left M2, right M1, three M2)
 Soricomorpha - Soricidae
Soricidae indet.1 Fischer 1814 shrew
MNHN C 1615, left M2 tooth
 Soricomorpha - Talpidae
Proscapanus sp.1 Gaillard 1899 mole
MNHN C 1616, right humerus; MNHN C 1617, left humerus; MNHN C 1618, right humerus
cf. Desmanodon sp.1 Engesser 1980 mole
MNHN C 1614, P4 tooth
 Perciformes - Sparidae
Sparus auratus1 perch-like fish
17 teeth
Sparus sp.1 Linnaeus 1758 perch-like fish
22 teeth and possible vertebra
Sparus cinctus1 Agassiz 1843 perch-like fish
13 teeth
Pagrus sp.1 Lacépède 1802 perch-like fish
32 teeth
Dentex fossilis1 perch-like fish
4 teeth
 Acanthuriformes - Acanthuridae
Acanthurus sp.1 Forskal 1775
24 teeth
 Labriformes - Scaridae
 Labriformes - Labridae
Labrodon pavimentatum1
1 isolated tooth, a pharyngeal fragment with 4 contiguous teeth, 3 vertebrae
 Tetraodontiformes - Tetraodontidae
Tetraodon lecointrae1
1 dental plaque (scale?)
? Tetraodon sp.1 Linnaeus 1758
2 dental plaques (scales?)
 Acanthomorphata - Moronidae
Morone aff. labrax1 Linnaeus 1758 temperate bass
Dozen vertebrae
 Istiophoriformes - Sphyraenidae
? Sphyraena sp.1 Artedi 1793 barracuda
1 rolled(?) tooth
 Cypriniformes - Cyprinidae
Palaeoleuciscus indet.1 Obrhelová 1969 carp-like fish
4 pharyngeal teeth
Tinca sp.1 Cuvier 1817 carp-like fish
many pharyngeal teeth (number unspecified)
 Teleostei -
Siluriformes indet.1 catfish
4 vertebrae
 Siluriformes - Siluridae
Pimelodus sp.1 Lacepede catfish
28 smooth spines
 Heterosomata - Hippoglossidae
Trigonodon oweni
  - Trigonodontidae
"Trigonodon oweni" = Trigonodon jugleri1
"Trigonodon oweni" = Trigonodon jugleri1 Münster 1846
2 teeth