Iliamna Lake unit 6 (Triassic of the United States)

Where: Alaska (59.8° N, 154.5° W: paleocoordinates 6.8° N, 80.8° W)

When: Seussi zone, lower Member, Rhaetian (208.5 - 201.3 Ma)

• JA: originally entered as Norian, but the suessi zone is basal Rhaetian

Environment/lithology: reef, buildup or bioherm; lithified, fine-grained, black limestone

• Limestone, fine-grained, bituminous, black

Size class: macrofossils

Primary reference: G. D. Stanley, Jr. 1979. Paleoecology, structure, and distribution of Triassic coral buildups in western North America. The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions 65:1-68 [A. Miller/S. Kolbe]more details

Purpose of describing collection: paleoecologic analysis

PaleoDB collection 100535: authorized by Arnold Miller, entered by Sarah Kolbe on 09.12.2010, edited by Wolfgang Kiessling

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

Bivalvia indet. Linnaeus 1758 clam
 Spiriferida -
Spiriferida indet. Waagen 1883
 Scleractinia - Pamiroseriidae
Ceriostella sp. Roniewicz and Stanley 1998 stony coral
 Scleractinia - Montlivaltiidae
Elysastraea sp. Laube 1865 stony coral
 Scleractinia - Thecosmiliidae
"Montlivaltia" sp. Lamouroux 1821 stony coral
"Thecosmilia" sp. Milne-Edwards and Haime 1848 stony coral
 Scleractinia - Stylophyllidae
Coccophyllum sp. Reuss 1865 stony coral
 Spongiomorphida - Spongiomorphidae
Spongiomorpha sp. Frech 1890
 Milleporina - Heterastrididae
Heterastridium sp. Reuss 1865 fire coral