Babii Kamen (PIN collection 4887) (Triassic of Russian Federation)

Where: Kemerovo, Russian Federation (54.4° N, 87.5° E: paleocoordinates 49.4° N, 57.7° E)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Maltsevo Formation, Griesbachian (251.9 - 250.5 Ma)

• When the locality was described, it was dated to the Early Triassic; some specialists still believe that it is Early Triassic (Durante and Luvsantseven, 2002; Shcherbakov et al., 2002); Losovsky (1998) believed that the lower beds of the Maltsevo Formation, to which this locality belongs, are Permian, and the upper beds are Triassic; Gomankov and Meyen (1986) considered the entire formation Permian, corresponding to the Vyatkian-Vetlugian gap; this is also what it was considered later by Gomankov (2005). Kukhtinov et al. 2011 place the Maltsevo Formation definitely in the Permian, and dated to the Vyatkian. The composition of the beetle fossils also suggests that this locality belongs to the terminal Permian (Ponomarenko & Volkov, 2013). Davydov et al. (2019) placed the lower Tarakanikha subformation in the Upper Permian but the Kedorovii and Ryaboi Kamen subformations in the Lower Triassic, although Shcherbakov et al. (2020) argued that the Kedrovka subformation was Upper Permian. Radiometric dating by Svetlitskaya & Nevolko (2016) indicated an age of 252.3 +/- 0.6 Ma for the Kedrovka subformation and 251.9 +/- 0.7 Ma for the Ryaboy Kameshek subformation (Ar-Ar ages recalculated from Reichow et al. 2009). Insect fossils are noted at multiple levels in the Tarakanikha, Kedorovii and Ryaboi Kamen subformations by Davydov et al. (2019), and most papers do not specify the precise stratigraphic position. It seems likely that the Maltsevo Formation was deposited during and immediately after the end-Permian extinction, although parts of it could be prior to the biostratigraphically-defined P/T boundary.

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: terrestrial; lithified siliciclastic sediments

• Kuznetsk basin

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Preservation: mold/impression

Primary reference: D. S. Aristov. 2004. The fauna of grylloblattid insects (Grylloblattida) from the end of the Late Permian to the first half of the Triassic. Paleontological Journal 38:514-521 [M. Clapham/M. Clapham]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 104713: authorized by Matthew Clapham, entered by Matthew Clapham on 08.02.2011, edited by Jered Karr

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Eoblattida - Blattogryllidae
Baharellinus arctosus n. sp.3 Aristov 2020 insect
PIN 4887/197
Baharellinus vasilenkoi n. sp.3 Aristov 2020 insect
PIN 4887/554
 Eoblattida - Megakhosaridae
Protoblattogryllus sibiricus n. sp.3 Aristov 2020 insect
PIN 4887/196
Babakhosara mediana n. gen. n. sp.3 Aristov 2020 insect
PIN 4887/524
Mesoblattogryllus palaeozoicus n. sp.3 Aristov 2020 insect
PIN 4887/195
 Eoblattida - Babalidae
Babala aba n. gen. n. sp.3
Babala aba n. gen. n. sp.3 Aristov 2020 insect
PIN 4887/521
 Reculida - Geinitziidae
Permuliercula chimaera n. gen. n. sp.2, "Shurabia annosa n. sp." = Geinitzia annosa, Permoshurabia tshasha n. sp.2, Stegopterum pashka n. sp.2, Stegopterum kabalum n. sp.2
Permuliercula chimaera n. gen. n. sp.2 Aristov 2020 winged insect
PIN 4887/222
"Shurabia annosa n. sp." = Geinitzia annosa Aristov 2004 winged insect
PIN 4887/28
Permoshurabia tshasha n. sp.2 Aristov 2020 winged insect
PIN 4887/529, 519, 555
Stegopterum pashka n. sp.2 Aristov 2020 winged insect
PIN 4887/533
Stegopterum kabalum n. sp.2 Aristov 2020 winged insect
PIN 4887/520
 Reculida - Chaulioditidae
Paratomia pectinata n. gen. n. sp.1, "Tomia cancellata n. sp." = Chauliodites cancellatus1, "Tomia ramosa n. sp." = Chauliodites ramosus1, Chauliodites babiy n. sp.2
Paratomia pectinata n. gen. n. sp.1 Aristov 2003 winged insect
PIN 4887/29
"Tomia cancellata n. sp." = Chauliodites cancellatus1 Aristov 2003 winged insect
PIN 4887/7, 12
"Tomia ramosa n. sp." = Chauliodites ramosus1 Aristov 2003 winged insect
PIN 4887/9
Chauliodites babiy n. sp.2 Aristov 2020 winged insect
PIN 4887/212
 Reculida - Skaliciidae
Permotoma aba n. gen. n. sp.2
Permotoma aba n. gen. n. sp.2 Aristov 2020 winged insect
PIN 4887/193, 236
 Dicondylia -
Tarakanikha satura n. gen. n. sp.2
Tarakanikha satura n. gen. n. sp.2 Aristov 2020 winged insect
PIN 4887/351
 Mecoptera - Permotanyderidae
Permotanyderus sp.5 Riek 1953 scorpionfly
PIN 4887/146, 465, 484, 801
 Coleoptera - Triaplidae
Tomiaplus minimus n. sp.9, "Triaplus sibiricus n. sp." = Tomiaplus sibiricus14
Tomiaplus minimus n. sp.9 Ponomarenko 2021 beetle
PIN 4887/704
"Triaplus sibiricus n. sp." = Tomiaplus sibiricus14 Volkov 2013 beetle
PIN 4887/72;
 Coleoptera - Trachypachidae
Permunda nana n. gen. n. sp.11, Petrodromeus asiaticus11, "Petrodromeus minor n. sp." = Apermunda minor11
Permunda nana n. gen. n. sp.11 Ponomarenko and Volkov 2013 false ground beetle
PIN 4887/97, 55
Petrodromeus asiaticus11 Martynov 1936 false ground beetle
PIN 4887/98
"Petrodromeus minor n. sp." = Apermunda minor11 Ponomarenko and Volkov 2013 false ground beetle
PIN 4887/80, 36, 79
 Coleoptera - Micromalthidae
Archaeomalthus synoriakos n. gen. n. sp.15
Archaeomalthus synoriakos n. gen. n. sp.15 Yan et al. 2020 telephone pole beetle
PIN 4887/102
 Coleoptera - Coleocatiniidae
Permocatinus tomiensis n. gen. n. sp.9
Permocatinus tomiensis n. gen. n. sp.9 Ponomarenko 2021 beetle
PIN 4887/348, assigned to Triaplus sibiricus in Kirejtshuk & Prokin, 2018
 Neuroptera - Archeosmylidae
Babykamenia eskovi n. gen. n. sp.10
Babykamenia eskovi n. gen. n. sp.10 Ponomarenko and Shcherbakov 2004 lacewing
PIN 4887/32
 Orthoptera - Mesoedischiidae
Sonoedischia shmakovi n. gen. n. sp.7
Sonoedischia shmakovi n. gen. n. sp.7 Gorochov 2005 grasshopper
PIN 4887/31, 30
 Orthoptera - Haglidae
Permohagla tomica n. gen. n. sp.8
Permohagla tomica n. gen. n. sp.8 Gorochov 2021 hump-winged cricket
PIN 4887/363
 Grylloblattodea - Liomopteridae
Khosara ultima n. sp.2 Aristov 2020 ice crawler
PIN 4887/568
 Grylloblattodea -
Triasseuryptilon acostai4 Marquat 1991 ice crawler
 Embioptera - Alexarasniidae
Nikolembia kusnezovi n. gen. n. sp.12
Nikolembia kusnezovi n. gen. n. sp.12 Shcherbakov 2015 webspinners
PIN 4887/380, 381, 382, 394
 Ephemerida - Misthodotidae
Triassodotes rasnitsyni n. sp.13 Sinitshenkova 2021 mayfly
PIN 4887/140
 Dicondylia - Kennedyidae
Kennedya kedrovkensis n. sp.6 Felker 2021 winged insect
PIN 4887/144
 Dicondylia - Progoneuridae
"Progoneura kemerovensis n. sp." = Issadoneura kemerovensis6
"Progoneura kemerovensis n. sp." = Issadoneura kemerovensis6 Felker 2021 winged insect
PIN 4887/145