Where: Millard County, Utah (39.5° N, 112.9° W: paleocoordinates 4.8° S, 92.1° W)
• local area-level geographic resolution
When: Ehmaniella zone, Swasey Limestone Formation, Delamaran (511.2 - 506.5 Ma)
• 70 meter thick formation at this locality, but fauna located in the upermost 1-3 meters. The depositional environments as interpretted from the stratigraphy is shifting deposition on a broad, low relief platform with ooid shoals seperating a quiet water lagoon from a shallow, open marine shelf to the west
• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: lithified lime mudstone and lithified grainstone
Collection methods: May represent a shell accumulation due to a sediment lag which was reworked and then lithified
Primary reference: R. A. Robison. 1999. Base of Ptychagnostus atabus Zone, candidate stratotype for base of unnamed international series. Laurentia 99: V field conference of the Cambrian Stage Subdivision Working Group, International Subcomission on Cambrian Stratigraphy 15-17 [M. Patzkowsky/P. Borkow]more details
Purpose of describing collection: biostratigraphic analysis
PaleoDB collection 10565: authorized by Mark Patzkowsky, entered by Phil Borkow on 23.05.2001
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
unclassified | |
Trilobita | |
Altiocculus concavus Sundberg 1994 trilobite | |
? Spencella utahensis trilobite | |
Yuknessaspis benningtonis Sundberg 1994 trilobite | |
Tonkinella breviceps Kobayashi 1934 trilobite
Tonkinella valida Tchernysheva 1962 trilobite | |
Olenoides serratus Rominger 1887 trilobite
Kootenia quadriceps Hall and Whitfield 1877 trilobite
Ogygopsis typicalis Resser 1979 trilobite | |
Parkaspis drumensis Sundberg 1994 trilobite
Zacanthoides divergens Rasetti 1951 trilobite | |
Glyphaspis concavus Sundberg 1994 trilobite | |
Artiopoda | |
Pagetia spp. Walcott 1916 | |
Brachiopoda | |
Brachiopoda indet. Cuvier 1805 |