Ust-Baley Locality (Czekanowski collection) (Jurassic of Russian Federation)

Also known as Ust-Balei

Where: Irkutsk, Russian Federation (54.2° N, 100.3° E: paleocoordinates 61.8° N, 99.4° E)

• coordinate estimated from map

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Ust' -Baleyskaya Member (Cheremkhovskaya Formation), Toarcian (182.7 - 174.1 Ma)

Environment/lithology: lacustrine - small; lithology not reported

• The Ust'-Baley palaeocenosis is a well-described Mesozoic "hypotrophic" lake (Zherikhin and Kalugina 1985), of type "B" according to Sinitshenkova and Zherikhin (1996). It was a small, shallow, permanent lake in a large river valley (but completely isolated from the river), with a low primary production and high oxygen concentration.

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Preservation: mold/impression

Collected by A. Czekanowski in 1869; reposited in the PIN

• Martynov says specimens are in the Collection of the Geologic Museum Academy of Sciences, now know as PIN

Primary reference: P. Oppenheim. 1885. Die Ahnen unserer Schmetterlinge in der Sekundär- und Tertiärperiode. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift 29:331-349 [M. Clapham/M. Clapham]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 114696: authorized by Matthew Clapham, entered by Jered Karr on 21.08.2011

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Diptera - Psychodidae
Mesopsychoda dasyptera n. sp.1 Brauer et al. 1889 moth fly
 Hemiptera - Palaeontinidae
Phragmatoecites damesi n. gen. n. sp., Palaeocossus jurassicus n. gen. n. sp.
Phragmatoecites damesi n. gen. n. sp. Oppenheim 1885 true bug
Palaeocossus jurassicus n. gen. n. sp. Oppenheim 1885 true bug
 Mecoptera - Orthophlebiidae
"Panorpa hartungi n. sp." = Mesopanorpa hartungi1
"Panorpa hartungi n. sp." = Mesopanorpa hartungi1 Brauer et al. 1889 scorpionfly
 Coleoptera -
Carabocera prisca n. gen. n. sp.1
Carabocera prisca n. gen. n. sp.1 Brauer et al. 1889 beetle
 Coleoptera - Coptoclavidae
Timarchopsis czekanowskii n. gen. n. sp.1
Timarchopsis czekanowskii n. gen. n. sp.1 Brauer et al. 1889 beetle
 Coleoptera -
"Memptus redtenbacheri n. sp." = Memptus redtenbacheri2, "Memptus braueri n. gen. n. sp." = Memptus redtenbacheri2, Doggeria sibirica n. sp.2
"Memptus redtenbacheri n. sp." = Memptus redtenbacheri2 Handlirsch 1906 beetle
"Memptus braueri n. gen. n. sp." = Memptus redtenbacheri2 Handlirsch 1906 beetle
Hand Pl XLV fig 78
Doggeria sibirica n. sp.2 Handlirsch 1906 beetle
 Orthoptera - Locustopsidae
Parapleurites gracilis n. gen. n. sp.1
Parapleurites gracilis n. gen. n. sp.1 Brauer et al. 1889 grasshopper
 Orthoptera -
"Humbertiella grandis n. sp." = Pseudohumbertiella grandis1
"Humbertiella grandis n. sp." = Pseudohumbertiella grandis1 Brauer et al. 1889 grasshopper
 Plecoptera - Perlariopseidae
Mesonemura maakii n. sp.1 Brauer et al. 1889 stonefly
 Plecoptera - Platyperlidae
Platyperla platypoda n. sp.1 Brauer et al. 1889 stonefly
 Plecoptera - Mesoleuctridae
Mesoleuctra gracilis n. sp.1 Brauer et al. 1889 stonefly
 Blattodea -
"? Periplaneta maculata n. sp." = Mesophonus maculatus1
"? Periplaneta maculata n. sp." = Mesophonus maculatus1 Brauer et al. 1889 cockroach
 Blattodea - Poroblattinidae
"Blattina sibirica n. sp." = Ophismoblatta sibirica1
"Blattina sibirica n. sp." = Ophismoblatta sibirica1 Brauer et al. 1889 cockroach
 Dermaptera -
? Baseopsis sibirica n. sp.1 Brauer et al. 1889 earwig
 Odonata -
"Samarura gigantea n. sp." = Samarura gigantea1, "Samarura pulla n. sp." = Samarura gigantea1, "Samarura rotundata n. sp." = Samarura gigantea1, "Samarura minor n. sp." = Samarura gigantea1, "Samarura angusta n. sp." = Samarura gigantea1, Palaeophlebia synlestoides n. sp.1
"Samarura gigantea n. sp." = Samarura gigantea1 Brauer et al. 1889 damselfly
"Samarura pulla n. sp." = Samarura gigantea1 Brauer et al. 1889 damselfly
"Samarura rotundata n. sp." = Samarura gigantea1 Brauer et al. 1889 damselfly
"Samarura minor n. sp." = Samarura gigantea1 Brauer et al. 1889 damselfly
"Samarura angusta n. sp." = Samarura gigantea1 Brauer et al. 1889 damselfly
Palaeophlebia synlestoides n. sp.1 Brauer et al. 1889 dragonfly
 Ephemeroptera - Siphlonuridae
Mesobaetis sibirica n. sp.1 Brauer et al. 1889 mayfly
 Ephemerida - Mesonetidae
Mesoneta antiqua n. sp.1 Brauer et al. 1889 mayfly