UQ L4808, Manang District (Permian of Nepal)

Where: Nepal (28.7° N, 84.1° E)

• Paleocoordinates: 46.5° S, 52.7° E (Wright 2013)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Pija Member (Senja Formation), Changhsingian (254.2 - 252.2 Ma)

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: marine; lithified siliciclastic sediments

Size class: macrofossils

Preservation: mold/impression

Collected by J.B. Waterhouse in 1981

Primary reference: J. B. Waterhouse. 1983. Permian brachiopods from Pija Member, Senja Formation in Manang District of Nepal, with new brachiopod genera and species from other region. Bulletin of the Indian Geologists' Association 16(2):111-151 [M. Clapham/M. Clapham]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 120523: authorized by Matthew Clapham, entered by Matthew Clapham on 15.11.2011

Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)

Taxonomic list

 Athyridida - Athyrididae
Cleiothyridina pijaensis Waterhouse 1983
 Productida - Productellidae
"Krotovia arcuata" = Lazarevonia arcuata
"Krotovia arcuata" = Lazarevonia arcuata Waterhouse 1978
 Productida - Strophalosiidae