Brunstatt (Theobald coll) (Oligocene of France)

Where: France (47.7° N, 7.3° E: paleocoordinates 47.1° N, 3.8° E)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Early/Lower Oligocene (33.9 - 28.4 Ma)

• Lutz (1997) and Mai (1995) assign the age of Brunstatt and Kleinkems to the Lower Oligocene, but Mai (1995) also allocated Brunstatt to the Mammal Reference Level MP20 which corresponds to the Priabonian (37.2–33.9 Ma) in the latest part of the Eocene. Thus, the stratigraphical position of Brunstatt and Kleinkems seems to be close to the Eocene-Oligocene boundary.

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: lacustrine - large; lithified marl

• Deposited on the shore of a very large shallow saline lake (with an area of several hundred square kilometres) with episodical intrusion of fresh water.

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Preservation: mold/impression, adpression

Primary reference: N. Theobald. 1937. Les insectes fossiles des terrains oligocènes de France. Bulletin Mensuel (Mémoires) de la Société des Sciences de Nancy 1:1-473 [M. Clapham/J. Karr]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 122408: authorized by Matthew Clapham, entered by Jered Karr on 25.12.2011

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Diptera - Tipulidae
Tipula sp. Linnaeus 1758 crane fly
Bt 29(29a)
 Diptera - Bibionidae
Plecia cf. bucklandi Heer 1849 love bug
Bt 5(5a)
Plecia luctuosa von Heyden and von Heyden 1865 love bug
Bt 1(1a), 33(33a)
Plecia cf. rhenana von Heyden and von Heyden 1865 love bug
Mulhouse Museum 153
 Diptera - Mycetophilidae
Exechia distincta n. sp. Theobald 1937 fungus gnat
 Coleoptera - Dytiscidae
Dytiscus cf. lavateri Heer 1847 predaceous diving beetle
 Coleoptera - Brentidae
Apion parvum Förster 1891 weevil
Bt 44
 Hymenoptera - Braconidae
Bracon induratum n. sp. Theobald 1937 wasp
Bt 27
 Hymenoptera - Ichneumonidae
Ichneumon pteromajus n. sp. Theobald 1937 ichneumon wasp
Bt 28
 Hymenoptera - Formicidae
"Aphaenogaster maculipes" = Paraphaenogaster maculipes Theobald 1937 ant
Bt 23, 15
Solenopsis foersteri Theobald 1937 ant
Bt 11, 20, 21
Solenopsis blanda Förster 1891 ant
Bt 26
Solenopsis superba Förster 1891 ant
Bt 16, 22, 24, 25
 Hemiptera - Cydnidae
Cydnus cf. brevicollis Heer 1853 burrowing bug
Bt 36
 Hemiptera - Heterogastridae
Heterogaster cf. sundgoviensis Theobald 1937 true bug
Bt 38(38a)