Baltic Amber (Herrling Collection) (Eocene of Russian Federation)

Where: Kaliningrad, Russian Federation (54.9° N, 19.9° E: paleocoordinates 53.9° N, 15.2° E)

• local area-level geographic resolution

When: Priabonian (38.0 - 33.9 Ma)

• According to Aleksandrova and Zaporozhets (2008), the higher parts of the Prussian Formation (including the Blaue Erde or Blue Earth) belong to the Charlesdowniea clathrata angulosa dinocyst Zone. Based on its index species, this zone is concurrent to Zone W13 established in the Parisian basin (Châteauneuf and Gruas-Cavagnetto 1978), where it is correlated with nannoplankton zones NP18–NP21 (Powell, 1992) of the Priabonian. In the Paleogene zonation of northwestern Europe, the first occurrence of Thalassiphora fenestrata is designated at the base of the dinocyst Subzone D12b (36.20 +/- 0.1 Ma), which is correlated with zones NP18 (terminal part)–NP20 of the Priabonian (Luterbacher et al., 2004).

Environment/lithology: terrestrial; amber

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils, microfossils

Preservation: amber

Collection methods: surface (float)

• Repository: Private collection of Gunter Herrling (or A. Herrling; possibly different collections?)

Primary reference: M. S. Engel. 2001. A monograph of the Baltic amber bees and evolution of the Apoidea (Hymenoptera). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 259:1-192 [M. Clapham/A. Noshirvan]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 123770: authorized by Matthew Clapham, entered by Arram Noshirvan on 28.01.2012, edited by Matthew Clapham and Amy Delelli

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Diptera - Diopsidae
Prosphyracephala succini9 Loew 1873 stalk-eyed fly
 Odonata - Argiolestidae
Argiolestinae "indet. specimen 11"2 Fraser 1960 damselfly
No 1639
 Odonata - Hypolestidae
Hypolestini "indet. specimen 13"2 Tillyard and Fraser 1938 damselfly
No 490
 Phasmatodea - Archipseudophasmatidae
Archipseudophasmatidae "subfamily 2"23 Zompro 2001 stick insect
No. 535
Archipseudophasma sp.23 Zompro 2001 stick insect
No. 536, 540
? Archipseudophasma sp.23 Zompro 2001 stick insect
No. 542
Balticophasma sp.23 Zompro 2001 stick insect
No. 538, 539
Balticophasma lineata23 Germar and Berendt 1856 stick insect
No. 541
 Mantophasmatodea - Mantophasmatidae
Raptophasma kerneggeri23 Zompro 2001 gladiator
No. 543
 Hymenoptera - Megachilidae
Glyptapis mirabilis Cockerell 1909 mason bee
Nr. 33–00524 (CGHG)
 Hymenoptera - Apidae
Electrapis sp. Cockerell 1908 bee
Nr. 19-00937 (CGHG)
Succinapis micheneri Engel 2001 bee
Nr. 3–17 (CGHG)
 Trichoptera - Polycentropodidae
Holocentropus sp.13 McLachlan 1878 caddisfly
Herrling BB Tr. 2
 Trichoptera - Goeridae
Lithax herrlingi n. sp.17 Wichard and Sukatsheva 1992 caddisfly
Herrling BB Tr. 1
 Raphidioptera - Raphidiidae
Succinoraphidia exhibens n. gen. n. sp.1
Succinoraphidia exhibens n. gen. n. sp.1 Aspöck and Aspöck 2004 snakefly
Präp. 748
 Megaloptera - Sialidae
"Sialis (Protosialis) baltica n. sp." = Ilyobius balticus14, "Sialis (Protosialis) herrlingi n. sp." = Ilyobius herrlingi15
"Sialis (Protosialis) baltica n. sp." = Ilyobius balticus14 Wichard 1997 alderfly
Herrling Nr.Meg.1
"Sialis (Protosialis) herrlingi n. sp." = Ilyobius herrlingi15 Wichard 2002 alderfly
Herrling Meg.2
 Megaloptera - Corydalidae
Chauliodes sp.16 Latreille 1796 fishfly
Nr. 744
 Coleoptera - Cupedidae
Cupes groehni7 Kirejtshuk 2005 reticulated beetle
No 790, 792
Cupes aff. rohdendorfi7 Yablokov-Khnzorian 1960 reticulated beetle
No 791
 Coleoptera - Dytiscidae
Copelatus aphroditae n. sp.10 Balke 2003 predaceous diving beetle
 Coleoptera - Prostomidae
Prostomis "sp. B"12 Latreille 1825 jugular-horned beetle
no. 958
Prostomis "sp. C"12 Latreille 1825 jugular-horned beetle
no. 963
 Hemiptera - Aphalaridae
Eogyropsylla eocenica8 Klimaszewski 1993 jumping plant louse
Eogyropsylla jantaria8 Klimaszewski 1993 jumping plant louse
 Hemiptera - Tingidae
Archepopovia yurii3, "Sinalda froeschneri n. sp." = Parasinalda froeschneri4
Archepopovia yurii3 Golub 2001 lace bug
Nr. 611
"Sinalda froeschneri n. sp." = Parasinalda froeschneri4 Golub and Popov 1998 lace bug
Herrling HT.1
 Hemiptera - Miridae
Electromyiomma weitschati n. gen. n. sp.11, Myiomma voigti n. sp.11, Isometopsallops schuhi n. gen. n. sp.6
Electromyiomma weitschati n. gen. n. sp.11 Popov and Herczek 1992 plant bug
Herrling BB Het.2, 3
Myiomma voigti n. sp.11 Popov and Herczek 1992 plant bug
Herrling BB Het.4
Isometopsallops schuhi n. gen. n. sp.6 Herczek and Popov 1992 plant bug
Herrling BB Het.1
 Hemiptera - Aradidae
Aradus grabenhorsti5 Heiss 2013 flat bug
Achim Herrling BBW3
 Araneae - Linyphiidae
Eolabulla "sp. 2"20 Wunderlich 2004 money spider/sheet weaver
 Araneae - Tetragnathidae
Eometa "sp. 2"19 Petrunkevitch 1958 spider
 Araneae - Liocranidae
Apostenus arnoldorum n. sp.22 Wunderlich 2004 spider
 Araneae - Zodariidae
Adorator hispidus21 Koch and Berendt 1854 spider
 Araneae - Uloboridae
Eomiagrammopes "sp. 1"18 Wunderlich 2004 hackled orb-weaver
No 54