Baltic Amber, Scheele collection, University of Hamburg (Eocene of Russian Federation)

Where: Kaliningrad, Russian Federation (54.9° N, 19.9° E: paleocoordinates 53.9° N, 15.2° E)

• local area-level geographic resolution

When: Priabonian (38.0 - 33.9 Ma)

• According to Aleksandrova and Zaporozhets (2008), the higher parts of the Prussian Formation (including the Blaue Erde or Blue Earth) belong to the Charlesdowniea clathrata angulosa dinocyst Zone. Based on its index species, this zone is concurrent to Zone W13 established in the Parisian basin (Châteauneuf and Gruas-Cavagnetto 1978), where it is correlated with nannoplankton zones NP18–NP21 (Powell, 1992) of the Priabonian. In the Paleogene zonation of northwestern Europe, the first occurrence of Thalassiphora fenestrata is designated at the base of the dinocyst Subzone D12b (36.20 +/- 0.1 Ma), which is correlated with zones NP18 (terminal part)–NP20 of the Priabonian (Luterbacher et al., 2004).

Environment/lithology: terrestrial; amber

Size class: mesofossils

Preservation: amber

Collected by Scheele

Collection methods: surface (float)

• At Geologisches Staatsinstitut of Hamburg (Ross 1956), or at Geologisch-Palaontologisches Institut und Museum, Universitat Hamburg

Primary reference: M. S. Engel. 2001. A monograph of the Baltic amber bees and evolution of the Apoidea (Hymenoptera). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 259:1-192 [M. Clapham/A. Noshirvan]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 123771: authorized by Matthew Clapham, entered by Arram Noshirvan on 28.01.2012, edited by Matthew Clapham

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Diptera - Micropezidae
Electrobata tertiaria9 Meunier 1908 stilt-legged fly
No 1215 (Scheele)
 Diptera - Clusiomitidae
Acartophthalmites tertiaria9 Hennig 1965 fly
No 1127 (Scheele)
 Diptera - Heleomyzidae
Electroleria alacris9 Meunier 1904 fly
No 1436
Protosuillia media9 Meunier 1904 fly
No 1015 (Scheele)
 Diptera - Clusiidae
Electroclusiodes meunieri9 Hendel 1923 druid fly
No 771 (Scheele)
 Diptera - Anisopodidae
Mycetobia silvia n. sp.22 Wojtoń et al. 2019 wood gnat
Scheele 1345a, 1345b
 Zygentoma - Lepidotrichidae
"Lepidothrix pilifera" = Lepidotrix pilifera8
"Lepidothrix pilifera" = Lepidotrix pilifera8 Menge 1854 primitive bristletail
GPIH 1281 (Scheele 59)
 Coleoptera - Elmidae
"Palaeoriohelmis samlandica n. gen. n. sp." = Heterlimnius samlandica4
"Palaeoriohelmis samlandica n. gen. n. sp." = Heterlimnius samlandica4 Bollow 1940 riffle beetle
GPIH 4396
 Coleoptera - Lycidae
Pseudaplatopterus ascheelei n. gen. n. sp.10
Pseudaplatopterus ascheelei n. gen. n. sp.10 Kleine 1940 net-winged beetle
 Coleoptera - Cantharidae
Cacomorphocerus cerambyx11 Schaufuss 1891 soldier beetle
 Coleoptera - Scraptiidae
Anaspis sp.6 Geoffroy 1762 false flower beetle
Anaspis longispina n. sp.6 Ermisch 1941 false flower beetle
Scraptia inclusa n. sp.6 Ermisch 1941 false flower beetle
Scraptia pseudofuscula n. sp.6 Ermisch 1941 false flower beetle
 Coleoptera - Mordellidae
"Mordella scheelei n. sp." = Baltimorda scheelei6, "Mordellistena antiqua n. sp." = Baltistena antiqua6, "Mordellistena goeckei n. sp." = Baltistena goeckei6
"Mordella scheelei n. sp." = Baltimorda scheelei6 Ermisch 1941 tumbling flower beetle
"Mordellistena antiqua n. sp." = Baltistena antiqua6 Ermisch 1941 tumbling flower beetle
"Mordellistena goeckei n. sp." = Baltistena goeckei6 Ermisch 1941 tumbling flower beetle
 Coleoptera - Anthicidae
Macratria succinia n. sp.1 Abdullah 1965 ant like flower beetle
GPIH 3893 (Scheele 10665)
 Coleoptera - Pyrochroidae
Palaeopyrochroa crowsoni n. gen. n. sp.1
Palaeopyrochroa crowsoni n. gen. n. sp.1 Abdullah 1965 beetle
GPIH Scheele 1559
 Coleoptera - Chrysomelidae
Sucinagonia javetana n. gen. n. sp.17, Oposispa scheelei n. gen. n. sp.17
Sucinagonia javetana n. gen. n. sp.17 Uhmann 1939 tortoise beetle
Oposispa scheelei n. gen. n. sp.17 Uhmann 1939 tortoise beetle
 Coleoptera - Anthribidae
Pseudomecorhis simulator n. gen. n. sp.18
Pseudomecorhis simulator n. gen. n. sp.18 Voss 1953 fungus weevil
GPIH 193 (Scheele 1427)
 Coleoptera - Brentidae
"Apion (Stenapion) subdiscedens n. sp." = Baltoapion subdiscedens18
"Apion (Stenapion) subdiscedens n. sp." = Baltoapion subdiscedens18 Voss 1953 weevil
GPIH 196 (Scheele 293)
 Coleoptera - Belidae
Archimetrioxena electrica n. gen. n. sp.18
Archimetrioxena electrica n. gen. n. sp.18 Voss 1953 weevil
GPIH 194 (Scheele 370)
 Coleoptera - Curculionidae
"Synommatus (Synommatodes) patruelis n. sp." = Synommatodes patruelis18, Necrodryophthorus inquilinus n. gen. n. sp.18, "Paonaupactus sitonioides n. gen. n. sp." = Paonaupactus sitonioides18, "Polydrosus (Pareustolus) scheelei n. sp." = Paonaupactus sitonioides18, Electrotribus sp.12, "Anchorthorrhinus incertus n. gen. n. sp." = Electrotribus theryi18, "Isalcidodes macellus n. gen. n. sp." = Electrotribus theryi18
"Synommatus (Synommatodes) patruelis n. sp." = Synommatodes patruelis18 Voss 1953 snout beetle
GPIH 202 (Scheele 294) (three specimens, not two, fide Kuschel, 1992)
Necrodryophthorus inquilinus n. gen. n. sp.18 Voss 1953 snout beetle
GPIH 201 (Scheele 1312)
"Paonaupactus sitonioides n. gen. n. sp." = Paonaupactus sitonioides18 Voss 1953 snout beetle
GPIH 197 (Scheele 50)
"Polydrosus (Pareustolus) scheelei n. sp." = Paonaupactus sitonioides18 Voss 1953 snout beetle
GPIH 198 (Scheele 1303)
Electrotribus sp.12 Hustache 1942 snout beetle
Scheele 145
"Anchorthorrhinus incertus n. gen. n. sp." = Electrotribus theryi18 Hustache 1942 snout beetle
GPIH 199 (Scheele 244)
"Isalcidodes macellus n. gen. n. sp." = Electrotribus theryi18 Hustache 1942 snout beetle
GPIH 200 (Scheele 291)
 Coleoptera - Attelabidae
"Car succinicus n. sp." = Baltocar succinicus18
"Car succinicus n. sp." = Baltocar succinicus18 Voss 1953 leaf rolling weevil
GPIH 195 (Scheele 1269)
 Megaloptera - Sialidae
Sialidae indet.21 Leach 1815 alderfly
larva; GPIH 1579 (Scheele 646)
 Siphonaptera - Ctenophthalmidae
Palaeopsylla dissimilis n. sp.13 Peus 1968 flea
Nr. 825
 Hymenoptera - Megachilidae
Ctenoplectrella sp. Cockerell 1909 mason bee
Nr. 3000 (GPUH)
 Hymenoptera - Apidae
Electrapis (Roussyana) palmnickenensis25 Roussy 1937 stingless bee
GPIH Scheele 218 (AKA type 150)
Succinapis micheneri Engel 2001 bee
Nr. 80 (Scheele)
Electrapis sp. Cockerell 1908 bee
Nr. 461 (GPUH), Nr. 3001 (GPUH)
Electrapis (Electrapis) meliponoides25 von Buttel-Reepen 1906 bee
GPIH Scheele 238 (AKA type 149), 461
"Protobombus fatalis" = Protobombus (Sophrobombus) fatalis Cockerell 1908 bee
Nr. 1225 (Scheele)
 Hymenoptera - Formicidae
Yantaromyrmex mayrianum n. sp.5 Dlussky and Dubovikoff 2013 ant
GPI Scheele 447
 Mantophasmatodea - Mantophasmatidae
Raptophasma kerneggeri26 Zompro 2001 gladiator
GPIH Scheele 312 (Pseudoperla gracilipes in Weidner, 1956)
 Orthoptera - Gryllidae
Gryllidae indet.20 Laicharting 1781 true crickets
GPIH 315 (Scheele 607)
Trichogryllus macrocercus20 Germar and Berendt 1856 true crickets
GPIH 309 (Scheele 1051)
 Orthoptera - Tettigoniidae
Tettigoniidae indet.20 Krauss 1902 katydid
larva GPIH 313 (Scheele 81), 314 (Scheele 290), 317 (Scheele 372), 318 (Scheele 466), 319 (Scheele 931)
Lipotactes bispinatus n. sp.20 Weidner 1956 katydid
GPIH 311 (Scheele 532)
Lipotactes martynovi20 Zeuner 1936 katydid
GPIH 310 (Scheele 400)
Eomortoniellus handlirschi20 Zeuner 1936 katydid
GPIH 316 (Scheele 754)
 Embioptera - Embiidae
Electroembia antiqua16 Pictet and Hagen 1856 webspinners
No. 41, 1621, 1243 (Scheele)
 Phasmatodea - Archipseudophasmatidae
Archipseudophasmatidae "subfamily 2"26 Zompro 2001 stick insect
GPIH Scheele 727
 Blattodea - Kalotermitidae
Electrotermes girardi19 Giebel 1856 termite
Scheele 786
 Blattodea - Rhinotermitidae
Reticulitermes antiquus19 Germar 1813 termite
Scheele 9 (x3), 444, 524, 590, 597, 904, 1153, 1408, 1670
Reticulitermes minimus19 Snyder 1928 termite
Scheele 706
 Blattodea - Termopsidae
Termopsis bremii19 Heer 1849 damp wood termite
Scheele 114
 Blattodea - Archotermopsidae
Archotermopsis tornquisti19 von Rosen 1913 termite
Scheele 1133
 Hemiptera - Hydrometridae
Metrocephala anderseni n. gen. n. sp.14
Metrocephala anderseni n. gen. n. sp.14 Popov 1996 marsh treader
GPIH 3750 (Scheele 52)
 Hemiptera - Tingidae
Tingicader sp.7, Tingicader cervus n. gen. n. sp.7, Intercader weitschati n. gen. n. sp.7, "Sinalda baltica" = Parasinalda baltica7
Tingicader sp.7 Golub and Popov 1998 lace bug
GPIH 3802
Tingicader cervus n. gen. n. sp.7 Golub and Popov 1998 lace bug
GPIH 3801
Intercader weitschati n. gen. n. sp.7 Golub and Popov 1998 lace bug
GPIH 3800 (Scheele 33)
"Sinalda baltica" = Parasinalda baltica7 Drake 1950 lace bug
Scheele I.12, GPIH 1479
 Hemiptera - Reduviidae
Redubitus centrocnemarius n. gen. n. sp.15
Redubitus centrocnemarius n. gen. n. sp.15 Putshkov and Popov 1993 assassin bug
GPIH 3599 (Scheele 666)
 Hemiptera - Aphididae
Electrocallis bakeri8 Heie 1967 aphid
GPIH 1285 (Scheele 1226)
Germaraphis (Balticorostrum) cuneata8 Heie 1967 aphid
GPIH 1280 (Scheele 307)
Germaraphis dryoides8 Germar and Berendt 1856 aphid
In seven pieces of amber, GPIH 1273-1279 (Scheele 263, 798, 811, 908, 936, 1300 (x27), 1456)
Mindarus magnus8 Baker 1922 aphid
GPIH 1270, 1271, 1272 (Scheele 798, 934, 1108)
Tertiaphis haentzscheli n. gen. n. sp.8 Heie 1969 aphid
GPIH 1281 (Scheele 59)
Succaphis holgeri8 Heie 1967 aphid
GPIH 1282 (Scheele 718)
Mengeaphis glandulosa8 Menge 1856 aphid
GPIH 1283 (Scheele 796)
"Palaeosiphon hirsutus" = Palaeosiphon hirsutum8 Germar and Berendt 1856 aphid
GPIH 1284 (Scheele 1120)
 Odonata -
Zygoptera "indet. specimen 5"2 Selys-Longchamps 1854 damselfly
exuvia ? (Platycnemis ? antiqua in Weidner, 1958); Nr. 645 (Scheele 1082)
 Araneae - Pholcidae
Paraspermophora perplexa23 Wunderlich 2004 daddy long-legs spider
Scheele 352
 Araneae - Theridiidae
Clavibertus prominens24 Wunderlich 2008 cobweb spider
Episinus balticus24 Marusik and Penney 2004 cobweb spider
Scheele 1186
Episinus longisoma n. sp.24 Wunderlich 2008 cobweb spider
GPIH 4295 (Scheele 358)
Ulesanis cf. antecessor24 Wunderlich 2008 cobweb spider
No. 43
 Pseudoscorpiones - Cheiridiidae
Cheiridium hartmanni3 Menge 1854 pseudoscorpion
GPIH 265 (Scheele 1508)
 Pseudoscorpiones - Geogarypidae
Geogarypus macrodactylus3 Beier 1937 pseudoscorpion
GPIH 264 (Scheele 1458)
 Pseudoscorpiones - Cheliferidae
? Pycnochelifer sp.3 Beier 1937 pseudoscorpion
GPIH 270 (Scheele 996)
Electrochelifer balticus n. sp.3 Beier 1955 pseudoscorpion
GPIH 269 (Scheele 1049)
 Pseudoscorpiones - Atemnidae
Progonatemnus succineus n. gen. n. sp.3
Progonatemnus succineus n. gen. n. sp.3 Beier 1955 pseudoscorpion
GPIH 266 (Scheele 22)
 Pseudoscorpiones - Withiidae
"Oligowithius sieboldi" = Beierowithius sieboldtii3
"Oligowithius sieboldi" = Beierowithius sieboldtii3 Menge 1854 pseudoscorpion
GPIH 268 (Scheele 807)
 Pseudoscorpiones - Neobisiidae
Neobisium exstinctum n. sp.3 Beier 1955 pseudoscorpion
GPIH 262 (Scheele 1240)
Roncus succineus n. sp.3 Beier 1955 pseudoscorpion
GPIH 263 (Scheele 184)
 Pseudoscorpiones - Chthoniidae
"Chelignathus kochi" = Chelignathus kochii3
"Chelignathus kochi" = Chelignathus kochii3 Menge 1854 pseudoscorpion
GPIH 271 (Scheele 384)