Baltic Amber (Ernst and Nordmann collection, NHMD) (Eocene of Russian Federation)

Where: Kaliningrad, Russian Federation (54.9° N, 19.9° E: paleocoordinates 53.9° N, 15.2° E)

• local area-level geographic resolution

When: Priabonian (38.0 - 33.9 Ma)

• According to Aleksandrova and Zaporozhets (2008), the higher parts of the Prussian Formation (including the Blaue Erde or Blue Earth) belong to the Charlesdowniea clathrata angulosa dinocyst Zone. Based on its index species, this zone is concurrent to Zone W13 established in the Parisian basin (Châteauneuf and Gruas-Cavagnetto 1978), where it is correlated with nannoplankton zones NP18–NP21 (Powell, 1992) of the Priabonian. In the Paleogene zonation of northwestern Europe, the first occurrence of Thalassiphora fenestrata is designated at the base of the dinocyst Subzone D12b (36.20 +/- 0.1 Ma), which is correlated with zones NP18 (terminal part)–NP20 of the Priabonian (Luterbacher et al., 2004).

Environment/lithology: terrestrial; amber

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils, microfossils

Preservation: amber

Collection methods: surface (float)

• Repository: Formerly in private collection of P. Ernst and K. Nordmann, Skagen (Denmark). Now at the Natural History Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen.

Primary reference: M. Kotrba. 2009. Prosphyracephala kerneggeri spec. nov. – a new stalk-eyed fly from Baltic amber. Spixiana 32:187-192 [M. Clapham/M. Clapham]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 123907: authorized by Matthew Clapham, entered by Matthew Clapham on 02.02.2012

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Araneae - Dipluridae
Clostes ? priscus2 Menge 1869 funnel-web tarantula
 Araneae - Dictynidae
Eodictyna communis7 Wunderlich 2004 spider
 Araneae - Anapidae
Balticoroma serafinorum3 Wunderlich 2004 spider
Balticoroma ernstorum3 Wunderlich 2004 spider
no. 173
 Araneae - Synotaxidae
Succinitaxus brevis5 Wunderlich 2004 spider
Dubiosynotaxus perfectus5 Wunderlich 2004 spider
 Araneae - Theridiidae
Kochiuridion pecten9 Wunderlich 2008 cobweb spider
 Araneae - Cyatholipidae
Spinilipus longembolus n. sp.4 Wunderlich 2004 spider
Spinilipus glinki4 Wunderlich 2004 spider
no. 52
 Araneae - Linyphiidae
Custodela tibialis n. sp.6 Wunderlich 2004 money spider/sheet weaver
 Araneae - Zodariidae
Adorator hispidus8 Koch and Berendt 1854 spider
 Diptera - Diopsidae
Prosphyracephala succini Loew 1873 stalk-eyed fly
 Hymenoptera -
Doliopria baltica n. sp.1 Brazidec and Vilhelmsen 2022 wasp
Basalys villumi n. sp.1 Brazidec and Vilhelmsen 2022 wasp
NHMD-608360, 608369
Belyta knudhoejgaardi n. sp.1 Brazidec and Vilhelmsen 2022 wasp
NHMD-608408, 608400
Pantolyta chemyrevae n. sp.1 Brazidec and Vilhelmsen 2022 wasp
Pantolyta augustinusii n. sp.1 Brazidec and Vilhelmsen 2022 wasp
NHMD-300829, 608391, 608404, 608406, 608412
Pantolyta similis n. sp.1 Brazidec and Vilhelmsen 2022 wasp
Cinetus breviscapus n. sp.1 Brazidec and Vilhelmsen 2022 wasp
Cinetus elongatus n. sp.1 Brazidec and Vilhelmsen 2022 wasp
Pantoclis globosa n. sp.1 Brazidec and Vilhelmsen 2022 wasp
NHMD-608414, 608394
Spilomicrus succinalis n. sp.1 Brazidec and Vilhelmsen 2022 wasp
NHMD-607131, 608344, 608354