Baltic Amber, Palanga Amber Museum Collection (Eocene of Lithuania)

Where: Lithuania (55.9° N, 21.1° E: paleocoordinates 55.0° N, 16.1° E)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Priabonian (38.0 - 33.9 Ma)

• According to Aleksandrova and Zaporozhets (2008), the higher parts of the Prussian Formation (including the Blaue Erde or Blue Earth) belong to the Charlesdowniea clathrata angulosa dinocyst Zone. Based on its index species, this zone is concurrent to Zone W13 established in the Parisian basin (Châteauneuf and Gruas-Cavagnetto 1978), where it is correlated with nannoplankton zones NP18–NP21 (Powell, 1992) of the Priabonian. In the Paleogene zonation of northwestern Europe, the first occurrence of Thalassiphora fenestrata is designated at the base of the dinocyst Subzone D12b (36.20 +/- 0.1 Ma), which is correlated with zones NP18 (terminal part)–NP20 of the Priabonian (Luterbacher et al., 2004).

Environment/lithology: terrestrial; amber

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Preservation: soft parts, original chitin, amber

Collection methods: Museum of Amber at Palanga

Primary reference: M. V. Kozlov. 1987. New Moth-Like Lepidoptera from the Baltic Amber. Paleontological Journal 21(4):56-65 [M. Clapham/L. Edwards]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 123977: authorized by Matthew Clapham, entered by Lindy Edwards on 04.02.2012, edited by Matthew Clapham, Arram Noshirvan and Annabelle Louderback

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Araneae - Archaeidae
Archaea pougneti2, "Archaea paradoxa" = Archaea paradoxa2, "Archaea levigata" = Archaea paradoxa2, "Archaea hyperoptica" = Eoarchaea hyperoptica2
Archaea pougneti2 Simon 1884 spider
Ap 14902, Eo 17781/Ap 6334
"Archaea paradoxa" = Archaea paradoxa2 Koch and Berendt 1854 spider
Ap 4092
"Archaea levigata" = Archaea paradoxa2 Koch and Berendt 1854 spider
Ap 17784, PM 128
"Archaea hyperoptica" = Eoarchaea hyperoptica2 Menge 1854 spider
PM 227, 202, 294
 Araneae - Nesticidae
Eopopino palanga n. sp.3 Eskov and Marusik 1992 cave cobweb spider
Ap. 3789
Eopopino budrysi n. sp.3 Eskov and Marusik 1992 cave cobweb spider
Ap. 5216
 Araneae - Theridiidae
Episinus balticus n. sp.4, "Episinus" eskovi n. sp.4, Nanomysmena petrunkevitchi n. sp.4, Nanomysmena palanga n. sp.4, Nanomysmena pseudogracilis n. sp.4, ""Euryopis" baltica n. sp." = Lasaeola baltica4
Episinus balticus n. sp.4 Marusik and Penney 2004 cobweb spider
PM 292
"Episinus" eskovi n. sp.4 Marusik and Penney 2004 cobweb spider
PM 15655
Nanomysmena petrunkevitchi n. sp.4 Marusik and Penney 2004 cobweb spider
PM 15694
Nanomysmena palanga n. sp.4 Marusik and Penney 2004 cobweb spider
PM 18348
Nanomysmena pseudogracilis n. sp.4 Marusik and Penney 2004 cobweb spider
PM 276
""Euryopis" baltica n. sp." = Lasaeola baltica4 Marusik and Penney 2004 cobweb spider
PM 298
 Araneae - Mimetidae
Mimetarchaea gintaras n. gen. n. sp.2
Mimetarchaea gintaras n. gen. n. sp.2 Eskov 1992 pirate spider
Ap 19566
 Diptera - Limoniidae
Cheilotrichia (Empeda) budrysi n. sp.5 Podenas 1999 crane fly
Ormosia (Oreophila) divina6 Podenas 1999 crane fly
Ap 6504
Ormosia (Oreophila) indago n. sp.6 Podenas 1999 crane fly
Ap 18768
Ormosia (Oreophila) skwarrae6 Alexander 1931 crane fly
Ap 11345, Ap 3016
Rhabdomastix brevis10 Alexander 1931 crane fly
Ap 21645 PGi 3705
Rhabdomastix pulcherrima10 Meunier 1906 crane fly
Ap 2189, Ap 2456 Pgi 3678, Ap 3518, Ap 7703, Ap 7743 PGi 3687, 15224 PGi 3701, Ap 18198 PGi 3675, PMAp 2103, PM 273, PM 387, PM 407, PM 438, PM 1021
Rhabdomastix borussica10 Meunier 1906 crane fly
Ap 12566, Ap 17741, Ap 18752 PGi 3696, PMAp 2046, Ap 21761 PGi 3706, Ap 4131 PGi 3699, Ap 8870 PGi 3690
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) elegantula10 Meunier 1906 crane fly
Ap 4039 PGi 3689
Dactylolabis (Idiolabis) christelae8 Krzemiński 2000 crane fly
Ap 17566, Ap 14589, PM 1215
Dactylolabis (Eobothrophorus) lauryni n. sp.8 Podenas 2003 crane fly
ED 170.860
Dactylolabis (Eolabis) vetusta8 Alexander 1931 crane fly
AP 22059 Pgi 3673, PM 1208
Dicranoptycha electrina9 Alexander 1931 crane fly
AP 15144
 Diptera - Pediciidae
Tricyphona residua n. sp.7 Podenas 2001 hairy-eyed cranefly
Ap 12219
 Lepidoptera - Gracillariidae
Gracillariites lithuanicus n. gen. n. sp. Kozlov 1987 moth
Museum of Amber Ap-9983
 Lepidoptera - Adelidae
Adela similis n. sp. Kozlov 1987 moth
Museum of Amber Eo 14160/Ap 3466
Adela kuznetzovi n. sp. Kozlov 1987 moth
Museum of Amber Ap-1484
 Hymenoptera - Pemphredonidae
Passaloecus microceras1 Sorg 1986 aphid wasp
Ap 18464, 19810
Passaloecus piletskisi n. sp.1 Budrys 1993 aphid wasp
Ap 18468, Ap 3046 (FO 11254)
Eoxyloecus palionisi n. sp.1 Budrys 1993 aphid wasp
Ap 3824
Eoxyloecus seticeps n. sp.1 Budrys 1993 aphid wasp
Ap 18455
Eoxyloecus succinicola1 Budrys 1993 aphid wasp
Ap 17621, 11206
Eopinoecus truncifrons n. gen. n. sp.1 Budrys 1993 aphid wasp
Ap 15936, 18438
Eopinoecus samogiticus n. sp.1 Budrys 1993 aphid wasp
Ap 3825
Succinoecus lituanicus n. gen. n. sp.1 Budrys 1993 aphid wasp
Ap 18453