Algarrobo (EQM) (Cretaceous of Chile)

Also known as Estratos de Quebrada Municipalidad, Marine reptile site

Where: Santiago, Chile (33.4° S, 71.7° W)

• Paleocoordinates: 33.0° S, 56.9° W (Wright 2013)

• coordinate stated in text

When: Estratos de Quebrada Municipalidad Formation, Early/Lower Maastrichtian (70.6 - 66.0 Ma)

• The EQM is considered to be Maastrichtian in age based on bivalves such as C. acuticostatum and P. hanetiana (Pérez-D’Angelo and Reyes, 1978). Recently this determination has been constrained by a radiometric date on 90Sr/89Sr obtained from bivalve shells (Suárez and Marquardt, 2003) that indicated an age of 69 +- 01 Ma (early Maastrichtian).

Environment/lithology: marine; fine-grained sandstone and conglomerate

Size class: macrofossils

Collected in 2006

Primary reference: R. A. Otero, J. F. Parham, S. Soto-Acuña, P. Jimenez-Huidobro, and D. Rubilar-Rogers. 2012. Marine reptiles from Late Cretaceous (early Maastrichtian) deposits in Algarrobo, central Chile. Cretaceous Research 35:124-132 [P. Mannion/P. Mannion/F. Aspromonte]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 132352: authorized by Philip Mannion, entered by Philip Mannion on 14.08.2012, edited by Evangelos Vlachos

Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)

Taxonomic list

 Rajiformes - Rhinobatidae
Myledaphus araucanus guitarfish
SGO.PV.6732, one tooth associated to two dermal denticles. SGO.6603, three isolated dermal denticles. SGO.PV.6730, seven isolated teeth. SGO.PV.6598, two associated teeth.
 Chimaeriformes - Edaphodontidae
Edaphodon kawai Consoli 2006 chimaera
SGO.PV.6611, anteriormost part (beak) of a right mandibular. SGO.PV.6612, posterior fragment of a right mandibular. Both found directly associated.
 Synechodontiformes - Paraorthacodontidae
Paraorthacodus sp. Glikman 1957 elasmobranch
SGO.PV.6604. One parasymphyseal tooth. SGO.PV.6605b. eleven lateral teeth, four anterior teeth and one posterior tooth. SGO.PV.6606. Two anterior teeth and four lateral teeth.
 Lamniformes - Carchariidae
Carcharias gracilis Davis 1890 sand shark
SGO.PV.19901, one anterior tooth; SGO.PV.6769, ten lateral teeth; SGO.PV.6770, 23 lateral teeth; Additional samples include 162 fragmentary teeth from the same locality.
 Lamniformes - Odontaspididae
Odontaspis cf. winkleri Leriche 1905 sand tiger shark
SGO.PV.6778, five lateral teeth
 Lamniformes - Mitsukurinidae
Scapanorhynchus sp. Woodward 1889 goblin shark
SGO.PV.6773, one anterior tooth and eleven lateral teeth.
 Orectolobiformes - Orectolobidae
Orectolobidae indet. Jordan and Fowler 1903 wobbegong
SGO.PV.6776. Three fairly complete teeth with damaged crowns.
Cretorectolobus sp. Case 1978 wobbegong
SGO.PV.6675. An isolated tooth.
 Rajiformes - Sclerorhynchidae
Biropristis landbecki Suárez and Cappetta 2004 ray
SGO.PV.6777, a single tooth.
Ischyrhiza chilensis Wetzel 1930 ray
SGO.PV.6771, 13 rostral spines; SGO.PV.6772, 26 rostral spines; additional 54 fragmentary rostral spines.
 Squatiniformes - Squatinidae
Squatina sp. Dumeril 1806 angel shark
SGO.PV.6602. An isolated tooth.
 Squaliformes - Squalidae
Centrophoroides appendiculatus Agassiz 1835 dogfish shark
SGO.PV.6601, 15 teeth; SGO.PV.19902, one isolated tooth. SGO.PV.19902, one lateral tooth. SGO.PV.6779. An isolated dorsal spine.
 Echinorhiniformes - Echinorhinidae
Echinorhinus sp. shark
SGO.PV.6764, A complete isolated tooth. SGO.PV.6630, SGO.PV.6632, SGO.PV.6631, SGO.PV.6765. four isolated, incomplete teeth.
 Testudines -
Testudines indet. Batsch 1788 turtle
MPC.11003 (neural plate) and MPC.11002 (peripheral plate)
Chelonioidea indet. sea turtle
MPC.11001 (proximal portion of left humerus)
 Testudines - Dermochelyidae
Mesodermochelys sp. Hirayama and Chitoku 1996 leatherback
SGO.PV.6573 (associated remains including incomplete left scapula, right ilium and right pubis)
 Plesiosauria -
Plesiosauria indet. plesiosaur
SGO.PV.6638 (incomplete left propodial)
 Plesiosauria - Elasmosauridae
Elasmosauridae indet. Cope 1869 elasmosaur
SGO.PV.90 (21 articulated vertebrae) and SGO.PV.6572 (17 isolated teeth)
 Squamata - Mosasauridae
Mosasauridae indet. Gervais 1852 mosasaur
SGO.PV.6570 (one isolated tooth) and SGO.PV.6571 (three isolated crowns)