South of Missouri River bridge, Fort Leavenworth (Carboniferous of the United States)

Also known as Kellett 24

Where: Kansas (39.3° N, 94.9° W: paleocoordinates 2.0° S, 27.0° W)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Iatan Formation, Gzhelian (303.7 - 298.9 Ma)

• "Oread or Iatan Limestone" in Kellett (1933), definitively assigned to Iatan limestone in 1935.

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: lithified limestone

Size class: mesofossils

Reposited in the USNM

Primary reference: B. Kellett. 1933. Ostracodes of the Upper Pennsylvanian and the Lower Permian strata of Kansas: I. the Aparchitidae, Beyrichiidae, Glyptopleuridae, Kloedenellidae, Kirkbyiidae, and Youngiellidae. Journal of Paleontology 7(1):59-108 [M. Clapham/M. Clapham/M. Clapham]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 132989: authorized by Matthew Clapham, entered by Matthew Clapham on 30.08.2012

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Myodocopida - Polycopidae
"? Paraparchites perminutus n. sp." = Discoidella perminuta
"? Paraparchites perminutus n. sp." = Discoidella perminuta Kellett 1933 ostracod
 Podocopida - Cyprididae
? Carbonita tumida2 Upson 1933 ostracod
var. magna
 Podocopida - Bairdiidae
Bairdia ? crassa1 Harlton 1929 ostracod
Bairdia hooverae1 Kellett 1934 ostracod
 Podocopida - Cytheridae
Kellettella navicula2 Delo 1930 ostracod