north fork, Sand Creek (50 ft level) [AMNH] (Cretaceous of Canada)

Also known as Monoclonius cutleri type

Where: Alberta, Canada (50.7° N, 111.8° W: paleocoordinates 58.0° N, 75.6° W)

• coordinate based on political unit

• small collection-level geographic resolution

When: Oldman Formation (Belly River Group), Campanian (83.6 - 72.1 Ma)

• 100 m below top of Belly River beds

• bed-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: terrestrial; lithology not reported

Size class: macrofossils

Preservation: soft parts

Collected by B. Brown in 1913; reposited in the AMNH

Collection methods: quarrying, mechanical,

Primary reference: B. Brown. 1917. A complete skeleton of the horned dinosaur Monoclonius, and description of a second skeleton showing skin impressions. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 37(10):281-306 [M. Carrano/M. Carrano/M. Carrano]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 13340: authorized by Matthew Carrano, entered by Matthew Carrano on 28.02.2002

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Ornithischia - Ceratopsidae
"Monoclonius cutleri n. sp." = Centrosaurus apertus
"Monoclonius cutleri n. sp." = Centrosaurus apertus Lambe 1905 ceratopsid
AMNH 5427