UCMP Locality V4517 (Miocene of Colombia)

Also known as Neosaimiri Cerro Gordo

Where: Huila, Colombia (3.3° N, 75.2° W: paleocoordinates 2.7° N, 72.6° W)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

When: Laventan mammal zone, Honda Group, Laventan (13.8 - 11.0 Ma)

• Monkey beds

Environment/lithology: terrestrial; brown, conglomeratic sandstone

• Approximately 8 meters of gray clays overlying concretionary sandstones, wich rests on the conglomerates conspicuously exposed in middle of Villavieja-Cerro Gordo section

Size class: macrofossils

Collected by R. W. Fields, Henao-Londoño in 1949; reposited in the UCMP

Primary reference: R. A. Stirton. 1951. Ceboid monkeys from the Miocene of Colombia. University of California Publications in Geological Sciences 28(11):315-356 [C. Jaramillo/M. Vallejo/A. Cardenas ]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 133688: authorized by Carlos Jaramillo, entered by Maria Vallejo on 25.09.2012, edited by Laura Mora-Rojas

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Primates - Cebidae
Neosaimiri fieldsi Stirton 1951 squirrel monkey
Stirton 1951 Specimen N°39205
 Primates - Atelidae
"Homunculus tatacoensis" = Stirtonia tatacoensis
"Homunculus tatacoensis" = Stirtonia tatacoensis Hershkovitz 1970 monkey
Specimen n° UCMP 39204
 Notoungulata - Interatheriidae
Miocochilius anomopodus Stirton 1953 notoungulate
Stirton 1953 Specimen N° 37913, 39231, 39234