Fajas Verdes I y II (Eocene to of Argentina)

Where: Salta, Argentina (25.8° S, 65.2° W)

• Paleocoordinates: 27.7° S, 52.6° W (Wright 2013)

• coordinate estimated from map

• local area-level geographic resolution

When: Lumbrera Formation (Salta Group), Ypresian to Ypresian (56.0 - 41.3 Ma)

• Fernicola et al. 2021: new 238U-206Pb isochron age (46.2 Ma) obtained from samples taken on various independent points across paleosol and matrix positioned at the top of the lower section of the Lumbrera Formation. The new age is consistent with the hyperthermal scheme and constrains the deposition of the lower section of the Lumbrera Fm. between 55–46.2 Ma. Subsequently, the upper sections of the Lumbrera Formation are now constrained between 46 and 40 Ma (Lutetian) (see Fernicola et al. 2021: New assemblage of cingulates)

Environment/lithology: fluvial-lacustrine; lithified, red marl

• Lumbrera Formation begins with a general rejuvenation of the source areas, installing a markedly continental regime, developing a floodplain environment presenting a sequence of mudstones, marl and red sandstone, which was interrupted by the Green Belts, these belts would have accumulated a fluvio-lacustrine environment.
• Lumbrera Formation consists of top to bottom:

•8 m. Micaceous sandstone with color pink to white.

•201 m. red marl, finely stratified.

•22.56 m. GREEN BELT II. Claystones alternating dark blue to black, fetid and bituminous with remains of fish and insects, with green and black siltstones, sandstones and thin limestone bank (0.50m).

•57 m. red marl with fine stratification fragmented.

•9.42 m. GREEN BELT I: Alternating gray calcareous sandstones and purple and green sandstones with claystones and siltstones green and gray.

•70 m. red marl.

•10 m. reddish sandstone.

Size class: microfossils

Preservation: soft parts, original sporopollenin

Collection methods: chemical,

Primary reference: M. Quattrocchio. 1978. Contribución al conocimiento de la Palinología Estratigráfica de la Formación Lumbrera (Terciario Inferior, grupo Salta). Ameghiniana XV(3-4):285-300 [C. Jaramillo/J. Ceballos/J. Moreno]more details

Purpose of describing collection: biostratigraphic analysis

PaleoDB collection 136214: authorized by Carlos Jaramillo, entered by Juliana Ceballos on 23.11.2012, edited by Jessica Moreno

Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)

Taxonomic list

Diporisporites sp. Elsik 1968
Diporisporites elongatus Quattrocchio 1978
  - Osmundaceae
Baculatisporites sp. Thomson and Pflug 1953
  - Polypodiaceae
  - Marsileaceae
Gabonisporis vigourouxii Boltenhagen 1967
 Cupressales - Pinidae
 Coniferales - Podocarpaceae
Podocarpidites cf. marwickii Couper 1953 podocarp
Rhoipites sp. Wodehouse 1933
 Gunnerales -
Tricolpites "sp. A" Couper 1953
Tricolpites lumbrerensis
Tricolpites (Psilatricolpites) lumbrerensis
Tricolpites vulgaris Pierce 1961
 Saxifragales - Altingiaceae
 Myrtales - Onagraceae
Jussitriporites menendezii n. sp. Quattrocchio 1978 willowherb
 Lycopodiales -
Retitriletes austroclavatidites Döring et al. 1963 clubmoss