Sundre Beds: Fossils of crinoid limestone (Manten 1971, Table IX) (Silurian of Sweden)

Where: Gotland, Sweden (57.5° N, 18.4° E: paleocoordinates 16.5° S, 2.4° W)

• coordinate based on political unit

• local area-level geographic resolution

When: Sundre Beds Formation, Ludfordian (425.6 - 423.0 Ma)

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: reef, buildup or bioherm; shelly/skeletal grainstone and reef rocks

• SEP: Silurian of Gotland has been variably described as a ramp and platform. Based on my read of the literature, I think if falls best into the ramp category. From Samtleben et al. (1996). Geol. Rundsch 85:278-292; "...a series of massive bioherms surrounded and covered by detritic and coarse crinoidal limestones (Sundre Beds). To the northeast, these platform deposits are replaced by micritic and argillaceous limestones with back reef character and often with an impoverished benthic fauna."

•I have assumed that these collections are from near Hoburgen and are therefore from the biohermal and crinoidal limestones."

• see geology

Primary reference: A. A. Manten. 1971. Silurian Reefs of Gotland. Developments in Sedimentology 13:1-539 [M. Foote/M. Foote/P. Wagner]more details

Purpose of describing collection: paleoecologic analysis

PaleoDB collection 13623: authorized by Michael Foote, entered by Michael Foote on 16.04.2002

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

Anthozoa indet. Ehrenberg 1834
 Rugosa - Chonophyllidae
Omphyma sp. Rafinesque and Clifford 1820 horn coral
 Stromatoporoidea -
Stromatoporoidea indet. stromatoporoid sponge
 Labechiida - Labechiidae
Labechia conferta Lonsdale 1839 stromatoporoid sponge
 Palaeocopida - Beyrichiidae
"Neobeyrichia buchiana" = Beyrichia
"Neobeyrichia buchiana" = Beyrichia ostracod
Trilobita indet. Walch 1771 trilobite
 Lucinida - Lucinidae
Ilionia prisca Hisinger 1837 clam
 Conocardiida - Conocardiidae
Conocardium sp. Bronn 1835
Bryozoa indet. Ehrenberg 1831
 Tentaculitida - Cornulitidae
 Atrypida - Atrypidae
Atrypa phoca
"Atrypa" phoca Salter
Atrypa reticularis Linnaeus 1758
 Pentamerida - Clorindidae
 Orthida - Hesperorthidae
Dolerorthis rustica Sowerby 1839
 Strophomenida - Strophomenidae
Strophomena orbignyi
"Strophomena" orbignyi Davidson
 Strophomenida - Leptostrophiidae
Crinoidea indet. Miller 1821 Sea lily
 Calceocrinida - Calceocrinidae
Calceocrinus sp. Hall 1852 Sea lily