Site QML1311 (Pleistocene of Australia)

Also known as Unit "C/D", Speaking Tube Cave

Where: Queensland, Australia (23.2° S, 150.5° E: paleocoordinates 23.8° S, 150.3° E)

• coordinate based on political unit

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Middle Pleistocene (0.8 - 0.1 Ma)

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: fissure fill; conglomeratic limestone and claystone

Size class: mesofossils

Reposited in the UQ

Primary reference: G. J. Price and S. A. Hocknull. 2011. Invictokoala monticola gen. et sp. nov. (Phascolarctidae, Marsupialia), a Pleistocene plesiomorphic koala holdover from Oligocene ancestors. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 9(2):327-335 [J. Alroy/A. Garcia Selles]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 136792: authorized by John Alroy, entered by Albert Garcia Selles on 04.12.2012

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Diprotodontia - Phascolarctidae
Invictokoala monticola n. gen. n. sp.
Invictokoala monticola n. gen. n. sp. Price and Hocknull 2011 koala