Paulinitid polychaetes of the Hemse Beds, beds a,b,c and Marl NW (Silurian of Sweden)

Where: Gotland, Sweden (57.5° N, 18.4° E: paleocoordinates 18.4° S, 2.5° W)

• coordinate based on political unit

• local area-level geographic resolution

When: Hemse Beds Formation, Gorstian (427.4 - 425.6 Ma)

• Correlation based on Bergman p. 13 and on Jeppsson 1983 (Fossils and Strata 15:128).

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: marl

• SEP: Based on distribution maps, these taxa appear to occur in everything from deep subtidal to shoal/backreef. ABSENT from buildups and reef areas.

Primary reference: C. F. Bergman. 1989. Silurian paulinitid polychaetes from Gotland. Fossils and Strata (25)1-128 [M. Foote/M. Foote/M. Foote]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 13698: authorized by Michael Foote, entered by Michael Foote on 19.04.2002

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)