Möllbos 1. 3150 m west of Sjonhem Church. (Silurian of Sweden)

Also known as Silicified bivalves of the Halla Beds at Mollbos 1. =PBDB 13635

Where: Gotland, Sweden (57.5° N, 18.8° E: paleocoordinates 19.7° S, 2.5° W)

• coordinate based on political unit

• local area-level geographic resolution

When: B Member (Halla Formation), Homerian (430.5 - 427.4 Ma)

• Was Halla beds; O. s. bohemica conodont zone.

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: shelly/skeletal limestone

Preservation: replaced with silica

Primary reference: L. Liljedahl. 1985. Ecological aspects of a silicified bivalve fauna from the Silurian of Gotland. Lethaia 18(1):53-66 [M. Foote/M. Foote/M. Foote]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 13851: authorized by Michael Foote, entered by Michael Foote on 29.04.2002, edited by Pete Wagner

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Nuculanida - Malletiidae
 Nuculida - Nuculidae
Nuculoidea "sp. A" Williams and Berger 1916 nut clam
 Nuculida - Praenuculidae
Nuculodonta gotlandica Liljedahl 1983 clam
 Solemyida - Solemyidae
"Janeia silurica" = Dystactella silurica
"Janeia silurica" = Dystactella silurica Liljedahl 1984 Awning Clam
 Modiomorphida - Modiomorphidae
 Arcida - Frejidae
 Cyrtodontida - Stolidotidae
Maminka sp. Barrande 1881 clam
 Myalinida - Ambonychiidae
? Mytilarca sp. Hall and Whitfield 1869 clam
 Ostreida - Pterineidae
Molinicola gotlandica Liljedahl 1984 oyster
"Pelecypoda indet." = Bivalvia
"Pelecypoda indet." = Bivalvia Linnaeus 1758 clam