Grobie II (Neogene of Poland)

Where: Poland (50.3° N, 19.6° E: paleocoordinates 50.6° N, 18.4° E)

When: Neogene (23.0 - 2.6 Ma)

Environment/lithology: reef, buildup or bioherm; limestone

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Primary reference: P. Muller. 1996. Middle Miocene decapod Crustacea from southern Poland. Prace Muzeum Ziemi 43:3-14 [C. Schweitzer/E. Johnson]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 139754: authorized by Carrie Schweitzer, entered by Evaline Johnson on 17.02.2013

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Decapoda - Paguridae
Pylopagurus corallinus Muller 1996 hermit crab
Muller, 1996
 Decapoda - Galatheidae
Galathea weinfurteri Bachmeyer 1950 decapod
Bachmayer, 1950
 Decapoda - Porcellanidae
Pisidia viai Muller 1984 decapod
Muller, 1984
 Decapoda - Calappidae
Calappa praelata Lorenthey 1929 box crab
Lorenthey, 1929
 Decapoda - Dairidae
Daira speciosa Reuss 1871 crab
(Reuss, 1871)
 Decapoda - Carpiliidae
Carpilius antiquus Glaesner 1928 crab
Glaessner, 1928
 Decapoda -
Haydnella steiningeri Muller 1984 crab
Muller, 1984
 Decapoda - Xanthidae
Chlorodiella mediterranea Lorenthey 1929 stone crab
(Lorenthey, 1929)
Pilodius sp. Dana 1851 stone crab
Muller, 1996 (n. sp.?)
 Decapoda - Carcinidae
Liocarcinus praearcuatus Muller 1996 crab
Muller, 1996
 Decapoda - Portunidae
Rakosia rectifrons Muller 1996 swimming crab
Muller, 1996
 Decapoda - Dynomenidae
Kromtitis koberi Bachmayer and Tollmann 1953 crab
Bachmayer & Tollmann, 1953
Dynomene emiliae Muller 1978 crab
Muller, 1979
 Decapoda - Domeciidae
"Maldivia plana" = Jonesius planus
"Maldivia plana" = Jonesius planus Muller 1996 crab
Muller, 1996