Bhopal, Hoshangabad (Tonian to of India)

Also known as Bhopal, Hoshangabad, Ganurgarh Shale Formation

Where: Madhya Pradesh, India (22.8° N, 77.7° E: paleocoordinates 0.0° N, 0.0° E)

• coordinate estimated from map

When: Ganurgarh Formation (Bhander Group), Tonian to Tonian (1000.0 - 850.0 Ma)

• Late Riphean to Vendian. Ganurgarh Shales and Limestone

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: lagoonal or restricted shallow subtidal; shale and limestone

• The Upper Rewa Sandstone which underlies the Ganurgarh Shale Formation is well exposed in the studied area. The sandstone is generally light coloured (dirty white to pink) and represented by medium- fine grained orthoquartzite. The rocks show low to moderate dips. Ripple marks are profusely developed and are generally straight crested. Commonly they are asymmetric type. Tabular cross bedding is common. The overlying Ganurgarh Shale Formation is exposed on the steep scarp slopes as narrow outcrops. In the Ganurgarh Fort section, the basal 30 m portion is characterized by shales intercalated with siltstone. These are followed by the laminated shales of variegated colours which are characterized by flatfopped, symmetrical as well as interference ripple marks. Above this is the thinly laminated, light green (sometimes of chocolate colour) shaly limestone which is again overlain by variegated and splintery shales.

•The sedimentary features suggest that the lower part was deposited in a shallow logoon, and the upper part accumulated in a supratidal environment.

• Shales and limestone.

Size class: microfossils

Primary reference: P. K. Maithy and R. Babu. 1993. Organic-walled microfossils from the Ganurgarh Shale Formation (Bhander Group, Vindhyan Supergroup), Hoshangabad, Madhya Pradesh, India. Journal of The Palaeontological Society of India 38:43-49 [W. Kiessling/M. Krause]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 140265: authorized by Wolfgang Kiessling, entered by Mihaela Krause on 06.03.2013

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Chroococcales - Chroococcaceae
Gloeocapsamorpha karauliensis Maithy and Mandal 1982
 Oscillatoriales - Oscillatoriaceae
Eomycetopsis rugosa Maithy 1975
 Life -
Nucellosphaeridium triangulatum Maithy 1975 acritarchs
Granomarginata prima Naumova 1961 acritarchs
Symplassosphaeridium bushimayensis Maithy 1975 acritarchs
Orygmatosphaeridium vulgarum Maithy 1975 acritarchs
Cymatiosphaeroides kullingii Knoll 1984 acritarchs
Vavososphaeridium bharadwajii Salujha et al. 1971 acritarchs
  - Chlorococcaceae
Palaeoanacystis verrucosus Maithy and Shukla 1977