Caleufú (Miocene of Argentina)

Also known as Zone of Xenodontomys elongatus

Where: Buenos Aires, Argentina (35.7° S, 64.7° W: paleocoordinates 35.8° S, 63.0° W)

• coordinate stated in text

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Saldungaray Formation, Messinian (7.2 - 5.3 Ma)

• The stratotype is recognized in the lower levels of the Cerro Azul Formation in this locality

•Prevosti et al. (2023): By combining our new radioisotopic dates with biochronology (Supplementary Table S6), a further refinement of the sigmodontine temporal record is now possible. Our results indicate a median age of 5.773 Ma (range 6.214 –5.115 Ma) for the Caleufú assemblage.

Environment/lithology: terrestrial; brown, red, silty sandstone

• Reddish light brown silty fine sands and loessoid silts, partly friable and

•partly carbonated, with intercalations of paleosols and calcrete


Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Primary reference: D. H. Verzi, C. I. Montalvo, and C. M. Deschamps. 2008. Biostratigraphy and biochronology of the Late Miocene of central Argentina: Evidence from rodents and taphonomy. Geobios 41:145-155 [C. Jaramillo/M. Vallejo]more details

Purpose of describing collection: biostratigraphic analysis

PaleoDB collection 152069: authorized by Carlos Jaramillo, entered by Maria Vallejo on 05.11.2013, edited by Miranta Kouvari

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Rodentia -
Neophanomys biplicatus Rovereto 1914 caviomorph
 Rodentia - Octodontidae
Phtoramys homogenidens Ameghino 1887 caviomorph
 Cingulata - Dasypodidae
Macroeuphractus sp. Ameghino 1887 armadillo
Macroeuphractus morenoi Lydekker 1894 armadillo
Proeuphractus sp. Ameghino 1886 armadillo
Chorobates villosissimus Reig 1958 armadillo
Chorobates cf. villosissimus Reig 1958 armadillo
Chasicotatus sp. Scillato-Yané 1977 armadillo
Chasicotatus ameghinoi Scillato-Yané 1977 armadillo
also 70799
Ringueletia simpsoni Bordas 1933 armadillo
also 70799
Doellotatus inornatus Rovereto 1914 armadillo
Doellotatus chapadmalensis Bordas 1932 armadillo