Auf Schleid Quarry (Devonian of Belgium)

Also known as Burg Reuland Quarry

Where: Liège, Belgium (50.2° N, 6.2° E)

• Paleocoordinates: 8.6° S, 27.8° W (Wright 2013)

• coordinate stated in text

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Anetoceras arduennense ammonoid zone, Breitfeld- Steinebrück Formation, Early/Lower Emsian (409.1 - 402.5 Ma)

• In the literature, the quarry is known as the “Burg Reuland” or the “Auf Schleid” Quarry, and the sediments exposed therein were either included within the “Quartzophyllades de Schutbourg [= “Schuttburg”]” (Maillieux, 1932; Godefroid 1994), the “Quartzophyllades de Burg-Reuland, Em1III” (Maillieux, 1937, 1941), the “”sandsteinreicher Komplex C (graues Unteremsium)”“ (Furtak, 1965), the “Breitfeld-Steinebrück Formation” (Vandenven, 1990) or the “Klerf-Schichten” (Franke, 2006).

• formation-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: deep subtidal shelf; gray siltstone

• dark-grey siltstones

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Preservation: mold/impression, original aragonite, original calcite, shellbed

Collected by De Baets et al. in 2007/2009

Primary reference: K. De Baets, S. Goolaerts, U. Jansen, T. Rietbergen, and C. Klug. 2013. The first record of Early Devonian ammonoids from Belgium and their stratigraphic significance. Geologica Belgica 16(3):148-156 [K. De Baets/K. De Baets]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 157914: authorized by Kenneth De Baets, entered by Kenneth De Baets on 11.07.2014

Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)

Taxonomic list

 Agoniatitida - Mimosphinctidae
Ivoites schindewolfi De Baets et al. 2013 ammonite
 Strophomenida - Chonetidae
 Spiriferida - Spinocyrtiidae
Incertia cf. subincertissima
internal mould of ventral valve
"Tenuicostella sp." = Subcuspidella
internal mould of ventral valve
 Spiriferida - Hysterolitidae
Arduspirifer arduennensis Schnur 1853
spp. antecedens; internal mould of ventral valve / spp. ? prolatestriatus; internal mould of dorsal valve / n. ssp. cf. latestriatus; internal mould of ventral valve
Euryspirifer cf. assimilis Fuchs 1915
spp. latissimus; ventral valve exterior
 Terebratulida - Meganterididae
Meganteris ovata Maurer 1879
internal mould of dorsal valve