MC-403 McCrory Lane, Wenlock conodonts (Silurian of the United States)

Where: Davidson County, Tennessee (36.1° N, 87.0° W: paleocoordinates 30.0° S, 54.5° W)

• coordinate estimated from map

When: Lego Member (Wayne Formation), Homerian (430.5 - 427.4 Ma)

Environment/lithology: sand shoal; lithified packstone and lithified grainstone

• Fine-grained skeletal packstones and grainstones whose grains have undergone extensive breakage and abrasion characterize Facies IV. The abundant skeletal grains are dominantly echinoderm debris. Bryozoan detritus is slightly more abundant than in the other facies. Trilobites, ostracodes, and mollusks are relatively uncommon. A large proportion of grains, more than 15% of the rock volume, are medium sand-sized and smaller well-abraded fragments of larger skeletal grains whose origin can not be determined with certainty. Skeletal grains are relatively well-sorted in most beds and discontinuous layers of coarse echinoderm grainstone are irregularly dispersed through most.

Size class: microfossils

Preservation: original phosphate

Collection methods: chemical, acetic

Primary reference: J. E. Barrick. 1983. Wenlockian (Silurian) Conodont Biostratigraphy, Biofacies, and Carbonate Lithofacies, Wayne Formation, Central Tennessee. Journal of Paleontology 57(2):208-239 [W. Kiessling/E. Jarochowska]more details

Purpose of describing collection: paleoecologic analysis

PaleoDB collection 164030: authorized by Wolfgang Kiessling, entered by Emilia Jarochowska on 23.11.2014

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Ozarkodinida - Kockelellidae
Kockelella sp. Walliser 1957 conodont
 Panderodontida - Panderodontidae
Panderodus sp. Ethington 1959 conodont
n. sp.
Panderodus unicostatus Branson and Mehl 1933 conodont