Dalfask Hill, 730 yards east-south-east of Dalfask Farm (Ordovician of the United Kingdom)

Also known as 2 miles NNE of the south end of Dinvin Tunnel

Where: Scotland, United Kingdom (54.8° N, 4.1° W)

• Paleocoordinates: 9.5° S, 80.6° W (Wright 2013)

• coordinate estimated from map

When: Laggan Member (Balclatchie Formation), Aurelucian (458.4 - 456.6 Ma)

• member-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: offshore; lithified, pebbly, gray, blue, calcareous siltstone and lithified, pebbly, gray, blue, calcareous mudstone

• Buff-weathering blue-grey mudstones and pebbly greywackes

Size class: macrofossils

Primary reference: A. Williams. 1962. The Barr and lower Ardmillan series (Caradoc) of the Girvan District, south-west Ayrshire, with descriptions of the Brachiopoda. Memoir - Geological Society of London 3:1-267 [M. Patzkowsky/Z. Krug/P. Wagner]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 165037: authorized by Pete Wagner, entered by Pete Wagner on 09.01.2015

Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)

Taxonomic list

 Strophomenida - Sowerbyellidae
"Eoplectodonta semirugata" = Eoplectodonta (Eoplectodonta) semirugata
"Eoplectodonta semirugata" = Eoplectodonta (Eoplectodonta) semirugata Reed 1917
 Strophomenida - Leptellinidae
 Strophomenida - Aegiromenidae
Sericoidea aff. abdita Whittington and Williams 1955
 Pentamerida - Camerellidae
Camerella sp. Billings 1859
 Orthida - Dalmanellidae
Dalmanella cheesemani Williams 1962
 Orthida - Linoporellidae
Laticrura sp. Cooper 1956
 Protorthida - Skenidiidae
Skenidioides sp. Schuchert and Cooper 1931
 Lingulida - Obolidae
"? Obolus audax" = Apatobolus audax
"? Obolus audax" = Apatobolus audax Reed 1917
 Lingulida - Discinidae
 Acrotretida - Acrotretidae