Erden Obo (Paleocene of China)

Also known as Urtyn Obo

Where: Nei Mongol, China (43.0° N, 111.4° E: paleocoordinates 44.0° N, 102.7° E)

• coordinate estimated from map

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Nomogen Formation, Late/Upper Paleocene (58.7 - 55.8 Ma)

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: terrestrial; lithology not reported

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Collected by Yaoming Hu and Jin Meng in 2000; reposited in the IVPP

Primary reference: F.-Y. Mao, Y.-Q. Wang, and J. Meng. 2016. New specimens of the multituberculate mammalian Sphenopsalis from the Paleocene of Inner Mongolia, China: implications for phylogeny and biology of taeniolabidoid multituberculates. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 61(2):429-454 [P. Mannion/P. Mannion/P. Mannion]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 174237: authorized by Philip Mannion, entered by Philip Mannion on 06.11.2015

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Multituberculata - Lambdopsalidae
Sphenopsalis nobilis Matthew et al. 1928 multituberculate
IVPP V19025, fragments of a skull including a left partial maxilla bearing complete M1-2, partial rostrum (the right side) with I2-3 and broken root of P4, partial right M1, anterior portions of both dentaries with basal parts of the incisors, skull fragment with the orbital crest, skull fragment with anterior portion of the left middle ear cavity, including a partial promontory of the petrosal and other bone fragments. All the specimens referred to V19025 were from a single individual; they were collected from a small (a square foot) pit where some elements were weathered out while others were preserved in situ in the sandstone. IVPP V19026, fragmentary right maxilla with M2 with damaged lingual cusp row; IVPP V19027, a tooth of uncertain identity (tentatively identified as a right m2 at an early stage of development); IVPP V19028, fragmentary right dentary with m2; IVPP V19029, several parts presumably from a single individual (with a similar preservation condition of V19025) including left maxilla with M1-2, partial right maxilla with broken M1-2, partial left dentary with damaged m2, fragmentary skull roof with frontals and other elements, and fragmentary bone that appears to be part of an inflated vestibule of the petrosal; IVPP V19030, fragments presumably from a single individual (with a similar preservation condition of V19025) including an anterior segment of the left dentary with broken incisor and the symphysis, the fragmentary left dentary with m2 and alveoli for m1, the left(?) mandibular condyle, proximal portion of the right scapulocoracoid, proximal portion of the left femur, the right femur with the proximal portion broken, nearly complete right tibia with the anterior side of the distal end broken, and various fragmentary vertebrae and bone chips; IVPP V19031, fragments presumably from a single individual, including distal left humerus, a segment of possible proximal portion of the left humerus with the head broken, left anterior part of the dentary with broken incisor (sectioned for enamel microstructure study), and partial right M2 (sectioned for enamel microstructure study); IVPP V19032, fragmentary left maxilla with M1-2 and left dentary with broken p4 and complete m1-2, from the same individual; IVPP V19033, left dentary with distal end of m1 and complete but deeply worn m2; IVPP V19034, anterior segment of the right dentary containing the incisor, with the tooth tip broken; IVPP V19035, partial left(?) lower incisor; IVPP V19036, fragments presumably from a single individual, including a partial right dentary with m2 and mandibular condyle with most of the neck; IVPP V19037, right dentary with the distal root of m1 and complete m2
Lambdopsalis sp. Chow and Qi 1978 multituberculate