Lastei di Valsorda, upper part of outcrop (Triassic of Italy)

Where: Italy (46.4° N, 11.6° E: paleocoordinates 6.2° N, 23.4° E)

• coordinate estimated from map

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Reitzi ammonoid zone, Latemar Formation, Illyrian (247.2 - 242.0 Ma)

• Reitzi/Kellnerites zone, Aplococeras avisianum level

• bed-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: lagoonal or restricted shallow subtidal; lithified limestone

Size class: macrofossils

Preservation: mold/impression

Collected by H. Rieber, P. Brack

• Repository: Palaontologisches Institut und Museum of Zurich (PIMUZ)

Primary reference: P. Brack and H. Rieber. 1993. Towards a better definition of the Anisian/Ladinian boundary: new biostratigraphic data and correlations of boundary sections from the Southern Alps. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 86(2):415-527 [D. Bottjer/M. Clapham/M. Clapham]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 175099: authorized by Matthew Clapham, entered by Matthew Clapham on 02.12.2015

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Pleurotomarioidea - Pleurotomariidae
Rasatomaria cf. gentilii Pieroni and Nützel 2014 snail
"probably the new species"
 Ceratitida - Ceratitidae
Parakellnerites rothpletzi Salomon 1895 ceratite
 Ceratitida - Aplococeratidae
Aplococeras avisianum von Mojsisovics 1882 ceratite