Andreyevka-2 (Devonian of Russian Federation)

Also known as ANE-1; near Andreyevka, Tula Province

Where: Tulskaya Oblast, Russian Federation (54.1° N, 36.6° E: paleocoordinates 1.9° S, 16.6° E)

When: praesulcata conodont zone, Kovanshchina Formation, Late/Upper Famennian (364.7 - 360.7 Ma)

• Khovanschinian regional stage

•Stratigraphical inormation provided by Alekseev et al. (1994) Proc. Geol. Ass 105: 41-52

•"Rzhonsnitskaya & Kulikova (1990) correlate the Khovanshchinian RS to the upper part of the costatus conodont Zone (CZ) which is equivalent to the lower part of the praesulcata CZ of the standard conodont zonation (Ziegler & Sandberg 1990)" Lebedev et al 2018

Environment/lithology: basinal (); dolomitic, stromatolitic, cherty/siliceous limestone and unlithified claystone

• "Lithologically the section is an intercalation of various light- and dark-coloured, locall y dolomitized or silicified lime stones and clays. La yers 2,11 and 16 are composed of stromatolites" Alekseev et al 1994

Size class: macrofossils

Reposited in the PIN

Primary reference: O. A. Lebedev. 1984. [The first record of a Devonian tetrapod in the USSR]. Doklady Akademiya Nauk SSSR 278:1470-1473 [R. Butler/E. Dunne]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 176224: authorized by Richard Butler, entered by Emma Dunne on 02.02.2016, edited by Sophie Fasey

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Diplacanthiformes -
"Devononchus" laevis2 Gross 1933 spiny fish
Devononchus tenuispinus2 Gross 1933 spiny fish
 Acanthodiformes - Acanthodidae
"Acanthodes" sp.2 Agassiz 1833 spiny fish
"Cheiracanthus" longicostatus2 Gross 1973 spiny fish
 Antiarcha - Bothriolepidae
Bothriolepis sp.1 Eichwald 1840 armour-plated fish
 Antiarchiformes - Asterolepididae
Remigolepis armata2 armour-plated fish
 Osteolepiformes - Tristichopteridae
Eusthenodon sp.2 Jarvik 1952 lobe-finned fish
 Dipnomorpha - Holoptychiidae
Holoptychius sp.2 Agassiz 1843 lobe-finned fish
 Tetrapodomorpha - Tulerpetidae
Tulerpeton curtum n. gen. n. sp.
Tulerpeton curtum n. gen. n. sp. Lebedev 1984 lobe-finned fish
PIN 2921/7 (holotype; incomplete pectoral girdle, forelimb, hind limb, and gastralia), PIN 2921/8 (premaxilla) and PIN 2921/9 (vomer)
 Dipnoi - Rhinodipteridae
Andreyevichthys epitomus2 Krupina 1987 lungfish
 Onychodontida -
Strunius sp.2 lobe-finned fish
Moythomasia sp.2 Gross 1950