Sierra Lucero Locality (Permian to of the United States)

Where: Cibola County, New Mexico (34.6° N, 107.2° W: paleocoordinates 4.1° N, 35.0° W)

• coordinate stated in text

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Abo Formation, Sakmarian to Sakmarian (293.5 - 279.3 Ma)

• Abo Formation = Lower Permian (middle-upper Wolfcampian) (Lucas et al., 2015)

Environment/lithology: coastal; lithology not reported

Size class: macrofossils

Collected by Berman in 1975

Primary reference: D. S. Berman. 1993. Lower Permian vertebrate localities of New Mexico and their assemblages. In S. G. Lucas, J. Zidek (eds.), Vertebrate Paleontology of New Mexico. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 2 11-21 [R. Butler/E. Dunne]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 180988: authorized by Richard Butler, entered by Emma Dunne on 12.08.2016, edited by Bryan Gee

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Dipnoi - Gnathorhizidae
Gnathorhiza bothrotreta Berman 1976 lungfish
(Berman, 1976)
 Cotylosauria - Diadectidae
Diadectes sp. Cope 1878 tetrapod
 Cotylosauria -
cf. Archeria sp. Case 1918 tetrapod
 Synapsida - Sphenacodontidae
Sphenacodon sp. Marsh 1878 synapsid
 Synapsida - Edaphosauridae
Edaphosaurus sp. Cope 1882 synapsid
 Bolosauria - Bolosauridae
Bolosauridae indet. Cope 1878 parareptile
 Temnospondyli - Eryopidae
Eryops sp. Cope 1877 tetrapod
 Temnospondyli - Trimerorhachidae
Trimerorhachis sp. Cope 1878 tetrapod
 Tetrapoda -
 Palaeonisciformes -
 Cochliodontiformes - Cochliodontidae
Deltodus sp. Morris and Roberts 1862 chimaera
 Petalodontiformes - Petalodontidae
Petalodus sp. chimaera