Pond Creek (Permian of the United States)

Where: Grant County, Oklahoma (36.7° N, 97.7° W: paleocoordinates 4.0° N, 26.3° W)

• coordinate stated in text

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Garber Formation, Leonardian (286.0 - 273.0 Ma)

• Cannot be accurately placed in either the Lucien or Hayward Members

Environment/lithology: fluvial; sandy shale and conglomerate

• Also, red shales

Size class: macrofossils

Primary reference: E. C. Olson. 1967. Early Permian Vertebrates. Oklahoma Geological Survey Circular 74:1-111 [J. Mueller/T. Liebrecht/T. Liebrecht]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 180990: authorized by Richard Butler, entered by Emma Dunne on 12.08.2016

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Xenacanthiformes - Xenacanthidae
Xenacanthus sp. Beyrich 1848 elasmobranch
 Temnospondyli - Eryopidae
Eryops megacephalus Cope 1877 tetrapod
 Temnospondyli - Trimerorhachidae
Trimerorhachis sp. Cope 1878 tetrapod
 Nectridea - Diplocaulidae
Diplocaulus magnicornis Cope 1882 tetrapod
 Synapsida - Edaphosauridae
Edaphosaurus sp. Cope 1882 synapsid
 Synapsida - Sphenacodontidae
Dimetrodon giganhomogenes Case 1907 synapsid
Dimetrodon grandis Case 1907 synapsid
 Eureptilia - Captorhinidae
Captorhinus cf. aguti Cope 1882 eureptile
Labidosaurus hamatus Cope 1896 eureptile
 Cotylosauria - Diadectidae
Diadectes sp. Cope 1878 tetrapod
 Cotylosauria -
Archeria sp. Case 1918 tetrapod
 Osteolepiformes - Megalichthyidae
Ectosteorhachis sp. Cope 1880 lobe-finned fish
 Dipnoi - Gnathorhizidae
Gnathorhiza cf. serrata Cope 1883 lungfish
 Dipnoi - Sagenodontidae
Sagenodus sp. Owen 1867 lungfish
 Palaeonisciformes -
 Palaeonisciformes - Platysomidae
Platysomus sp. Agassiz 1833