Sarytaypan locality, PIN 2079 (Permian of Tajikistan)

Where: Leninabad, Tajikistan (40.3° N, 69.6° E)

• Paleocoordinates: 19.5° N, 71.9° E (Wright 2013)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Rotliegendes (283.5 - 259.5 Ma)

• The beds are assumed to be coeval with the Lower Rotliegende of central Europe, although correlations are still largely uncertain (Laurin 1996b; Ivakhnenko 1981; Berman et al. 1997).

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: lacustrine; shale

• "The depositional environment of the Ariekanerpeton-bearing sediments was presumably lacustrine and characterised by periodical water level oscillations."
• Specimens were "recovered from layers of tuffs within aleuritic (silt) shales."

Size class: macrofossils

Collected by Kalakanaty geological group, PIN in 1961, 1964, 1975; reposited in the PIN

• The type locality (see below) was discovered by a team of geologists of the Kalakanaty geological group in 1961. In 1964, an expedition from the Palaeontological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences led by Tatarinov found 124 specimens. A second expedition to the type locality, led by Kalandadze in 1975, resulted in the collection of about 850 additional speci- mens of assorted size from a surface of about six square metres.

Primary reference: J. Klembara and M. Ruta. 2005. The seymouriamorph tetrapod Ariekanerpeton sigalovi from the Lower Permian of Tadzhikistan. Part I: Cranial anatomy and ontogeny. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences 96(1):43-70 [R. Butler/E. Dunne]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 181134: authorized by Richard Butler, entered by Emma Dunne on 23.08.2016

Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)

Taxonomic list

• Specimens deposited in the Palaeontological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (PIN). Latex casts are deposited in the Department of Ecology, Comenius University, Bratislava, and bear the same registration numbers as the original specimens.
 Seymouriamorpha - Discosauriscidae
"Discosauriscus sigalovi n. sp." = Ariekanerpeton sigalovi
"Discosauriscus sigalovi n. sp." = Ariekanerpeton sigalovi Tatarinov 1968 tetrapod
PIN 2079/1 (holotype) skull and postcranial skeleton in dorsal aspect, both slightly disrupted and partially weathered. Referred specimens : PIN 2079: 175, 199a, 247a, b, 253a, b, 262a, b, 309, 316b, 324a, b, 334a, b, 347, 369, 396a, b, 431a, b, 434, 436b, 500b, 509a, 510b, 550, 600, 608, 638b, 641, 704a, 747, 764a, b, 777, 800a, b, and 823b.