Kårgärde, Dalby Fm. (Ordovician to of Sweden)

Where: Dalarna, Sweden (63.0° N, 14.5° E: paleocoordinates 28.7° S, 7.5° W)

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Dalby Limestone Formation, Kukruse to Kukruse (458.0 - 453.9 Ma)

• "Ludibunds Limestone", in Henningsmoen (1960)

• formation-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: limestone

• thick and thin bedded limestone

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Primary reference: L. E. Holmer. 1989. Middle Ordovician phosphatic inarticulate brachiopods from Västergötland and Dalarna, Sweden. Fossils and Strata (26)1-172 [B. Kröger/B. Kröger]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 192034: authorized by Björn Kröger, entered by Björn Kröger on 02.03.2018

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Asaphida - Asaphidae
Asaphus (Neoasaphus) ludibundus2 Törnquist 1884 trilobite
 Corynexochida - Panderiidae
Panderia parvula1 Holm 1882 trilobite
Tegulella minuta Holmer 1989
 Lingulida - Paterulidae
Paterula spp. Barrande 1879
 Lingulida - Pseudolingulidae
Pseudolingula sp. Mickwitz 1909
 Lingulida - Obolidae
Lingulellinae indet. Schuchert 1893
Rowellella holenensis Holmer 1989
Glossellinae indet. Cooper 1956
 Lingulida - Trematidae
Trematis sp. Sharpe 1848
 Lingulida - Discinidae
Orbiculoideinae indet. Schuchert 1929
 Siphonotretida - Siphonotretidae
Acanthambonia sp. Cooper 1956
 Acrotretida - Eoconulidae
Eoconulus robustus Holmer 1989
 Acrotretida - Scaphelasmatidae
 Acrotretida - Ephippelasmatidae
Rhinotreta davidi Holmer 1989
Myotreta orensis Holmer 1989
Myotreta dalecarlica Holmer 1989
 Acrotretida - Acrotretidae
Cyrtonotreta sp. Holmer 1989
Conotreta siljanensis Holmer 1989
 Acrotretida - Biernatidae
Biernatia holmi Holmer 1989