Railway cutting NW of Talmühle (Jurassic of Germany)

Where: Germany (47.9° N, 8.8° E: paleocoordinates 39.0° N, 17.3° E)

• coordinate estimated from map

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Hybonoticeras hybonotum ammonoid zone, Hangende-Bankkalke Formation, Early/Lower Tithonian (150.8 - 145.0 Ma)

• Basal parts of the Hangende-Bankkalke Formation; Hybonotum Zone, Riedense Subzone, eigeltingense α horizon

• bed-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: lithified limestone

Size class: macrofossils

Reposited in the SMNS

Primary reference: A. Scherzinger and G. Schweigert. 2017. Xenosphinctes n. gen. (Ataxioceratidae, Lithacoceratinae), a new rare ammonite genus from the Lower Tithonian (Hybonotum Zone) of SW Germany. Volumina Jurassica 15:155-160 [M. Clapham/M. Clapham]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 193290: authorized by Matthew Clapham, entered by Matthew Clapham on 09.05.2018

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Ammonitida - Oppeliidae
 Ammonitida - Perisphinctidae
 Ammonitida - Ataxioceratidae
Xenosphinctes berkai n. gen. n. sp. Scherzinger and Schweigert 2017 ammonite
 Ammonitida - Aspidoceratidae