Cerro de Batallones 3 (Miocene of Spain)

Where: Spain (40.2° N, 3.8° W: paleocoordinates 40.4° N, 4.6° W)

• coordinate based on unpublished field data

When: MN 10 (9.7 - 8.7 Ma)

Environment/lithology: terrestrial; lithology not reported

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Primary reference: G. Siliceo, M. J. Salesa, M. Antón, M. F. G. Monescillo, and J. Morales. 2014. Promegantereon ogygia (Felidae, Machairodontinae, Smilodontini) from the Vallesian (late Miocene, MN 10) of Spain: morphological and functional differences in two noncontemporary populations. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 34(2):407-418 [M. Uhen/M. Shalap/M. Uhen]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 195492: authorized by Mark Uhen, entered by Mark Uhen on 10.08.2018, edited by Patricia Holroyd and Evangelos Vlachos

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Carnivora - Felidae
"Styriofelis vallesiensis n. sp." = Leptofelis vallesiensis3, Machairodus aphanistus1, "Promegantereon ogygia" = Paramachaerodus ogygia
"Styriofelis vallesiensis n. sp." = Leptofelis vallesiensis3 Salesa et al. 2012 cat
Machairodus aphanistus1 Kaup 1833 cat
"Promegantereon ogygia" = Paramachaerodus ogygia Kaup 1833 cat
 Squamata - Varanidae
Varanus marathonensis5 Weithofer 1888 monitor lizard
MNCN BAT-3 2011–252, right and left dentaries, right and left coronoids, right surangular, right prearticular, right articular; MNCN BAT-3 2011–148, right coracoid, left humerus, right and left ilia, right and left femura, right and left tibiae; MNCN BAT-3 2011–2626, six cervical vertebrae (axis included); MNCN BAT-3 2011–2627, 20 trunk vertebrae; MNCN BAT-3 2011–2628, last trunk vertebra, two sacral vertebrae, one cloacal vertebra (plus a fragment of a possible second one), first caudal vertebra; MNCN BAT-3 2011–2629, 51 caudal vertebrae and few chevron bones. All the Batallones material except MNCN BAT-3 1088 was found associated and belongs to a single individual.
 Theropoda - Phasianidae
Miophasianus medius4 Milne-Edwards 1871 pheasant
 Testudines - Geoemydidae
cf. Palaeochelys sp.2 Meyer 1847 turtle
sensu lato-Mauremys group. BAT-3-S-767, peripheral plates
 Testudines - Testudinidae
cf. Cheirogaster sp.2 Bergounioux 1935 turtle
Varios ejemplares, así como huesos tales como ulnas (BAT-3’07-81, BAT-3’09-666), radios (BAT-3’08-631), escápulas (BAT-3’08-782), tibias (BAT-3’08-880), falanges (BAT-3’05-223, BAT-3’08-860), y también osteodermos (BAT-3-S-628, BAT-3-S-135, BAT-3-S-136, BAT-3-S-378).