S2, Sentyak Section, Kama River (Permian of Russian Federation)

Where: Russian Federation (55.7° N, 51.7° E: paleocoordinates 29.3° N, 44.2° E)

• coordinate estimated from map

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Belebey Formation, Wordian (266.9 - 264.3 Ma)

• Upper Kazanian beds, numbered S2/9 - S2/13 from bottom to top (Nurgaliev et al. 2015)

•Overlies the beds at outcrop S6 (Collection no. 197619), and is overlain by the beds at outcrop S1 (Collection no. 197621)

Environment/lithology: marine; siltstone and shale

• "[Upper Kazanian Substage - Belebey Formation (continuation)]

•Package S2/9 Interval 93.5 - 109.5m Thickness 16.0m

•Sandstone: brownish-grey, obliquely laminated, with lenses of basal conglomerates overlying the eroded surface of the Lower Kazanian rocks. Solid calcareous sondstones form rocky ledges that are well traced along the slope. Horizontally, sandstone is replaced with sandy-muddy succession, and its thickness ranges from 2m to 15m.

•Package S2/10 Interval 109.5 - 119.5m Thickness 10.0m

•Siltstone and shale with one-two laminae (0.3-0.5m) of limestone. Siltstone and shale: red, reddish-brown, pinkish-red, calcareous, with green spots of gleisation and calcareous concretions (paleosol horizons). Limestone: dark- and light-grey, muddy, compact, solid, algal-microbial, sometimes very hard and finely wavy laminated, riddled with numerous voids of plant roots in situ. Shales underlying the upper limestones bed contain non-marine bivalves, ostracods and fish scales.

•Package S2/11 Interval 119.5 - 131.5m Thickness 12.0m

•Shales and siltstones with thin (up to 0.3m) rare marl and limestone laminae. Siltstone and shale: red, reddish-brown, calcareous, with green spots of gleisation and calcareous concretions (paleosol horizons). Marls: grey, greenish-grey, cream-coloured, massive, silty and sandy. Limestone: dark- and light-grey, muddy, compact, solid, algal-microbial, sometimes very hard and finely wavy laminated, riddled with numerous voids of plant roots in situ. In the top, the shale overlying the upper limestone contain non-marine ostracods, bivalves and fish scales.

•Package S2/12 Interval 131.5 - 141.5m Thickness 10.0m

•Shales, siltstones and sandstones. Siltstone and shale: red, reddish-brown, calcareous, with green spots of gleisation and calcareous concretions (paleosol horizons). Sandstone: brownish-red, wavy laminated. At the top, the package contains a bed (0.2-0.6m) of light-grey algal-microbial limestone riddled with numerous voids of plant roots in situ. Shales subjacent to limestone surfaces contain non-marine ostracods, bivalves and fish scales.

•Package S2/13 Interval 141.5 - 159.0m Thickness 17.5m

•Sandstones and siltstones with rare thin (0.2-0.3m) laminae of marl. Sandstones and siltstones: reddish-brown, calcareous, with green spots of gleisation and calcareous concretions (paleosol horizons). Marls: grey, greenish-grey with red spots of gleisation. At the top of the package, the succession contains a lens of brownish-red siltstone (0.5m) with non-marine bivalves, ostracods, fishes and tetrapods.

•Packages 9 and 10 are tentatively assigned to the Prikazan Beds, package 11 to the Pechishchi Beds, package 12 to the Verkhnyi Uslon Beds, and package 13 to the Morkvashi Beds." (Nurgaliev et al. 2015)

Size class: macrofossils

Primary reference: D. K. Nurgaliev, V. V. Silantiev, and S. V. Nikolaeva. 2015. Type and reference sections of the Middle and Upper Permian of the Volga and Kama River Regions: A Field Guidebook of XVIII International Congress on Carboniferous and Permian. 1-208 [A. Dunhill/B. Allen/P. Wagner]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 197620: authorized by Alex Dunhill, entered by Bethany Allen on 18.11.2018

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Palaeonisciformes - Palaeoniscidae
Palaeoniscum kasansense
'Package' S2/12
 Palaeonisciformes - Platysomidae
Platysomus sp. Agassiz 1833
'Package' S2/12
 Actinodontida - Palaeomutelidae
Palaeomutela olgae clam
'Package' S2/10, S2/11, S2/12, S2/13
Palaeomutela pseudoumbonata clam
'Package' S2/12
Palaeomutela longissima clam
'Package' S2/12, S2/13
Palaeomutela krotowi Netschajew 1894 clam
'Package' S2/11
Palaeomutela umbonata Fischer 1840 clam
'Package' S2/10, S2/11
Paleodarwinula varsanofievae ostracod
'Package' S2/10
Paleodarwinula aronovi ostracod
'Package' S2/10
Paleodarwinula sokolovi ostracod
'Package' S2/10
Paleodarwinula tuimasensis ostracod
'Package' S2/10
Prasuchonella tichvinskaja ostracod
'Package' S2/10
Prasuchonella belebeica ostracod
'Package' S2/10