Stowell Park borehole (A. semicostatum Zone, scipionianum Subzone, 1687-1701ft) (Jurassic of the United Kingdom)

Where: Gloucestershire, United Kingdom (51.8° N, 1.9° W: paleocoordinates 38.6° N, 4.2° E)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Agassiceras scipionianum ammonoid zone, Lower Lias Formation (Lias Group), Early/Lower Sinemurian (196.5 - 189.6 Ma)

• "Arnioceras semicostatum Zone, A. scipionianum Subzone" (Melville 1956)

•"1687ft - 1701ft" (Melville 1956)

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: lime mudstone

• "Dark grey and black calcareous mudstone, often indurated, with subordinate shale bands and occasional limestone nodules and bands" (Green & Melville 1956)

Size class: macrofossils

Preservation: mold/impression

Reposited in the BGS

Collection methods: core

Primary reference: R. V. Melville. 1956. The Stratigraphical Palaeontology, ammonites excluded, of the Stowell Park borehole. Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Great Britain 11:67-139 [A. Dunhill/B. Allen]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 204153: authorized by Alex Dunhill, entered by Bethany Allen on 02.09.2019

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Pectinida - Limidae
"Lima (Plagiostoma) aff. gigantea" = Plagiostoma giganteum
"Lima (Plagiostoma) aff. gigantea" = Plagiostoma giganteum Sowerby 1814 file clam
 Pectinida - Oxytomidae
"Oxytoma inequivalve" = Oxytoma inequivalvis
"Oxytoma inequivalve" = Oxytoma inequivalvis Sowerby 1819 scallop
 Arcida - Parallelodontidae
 Ammonitida - Arietitidae
Metarnioceras sheppardi Spath 1925 ammonite
Arnioceras miserabile Quendstedt 1858 ammonite
Arnioceras ceratitoides Quenstedt 1848 ammonite
"Eucoroniceras forficatum" = Coroniceras (Eucoroniceras) ammonite
Agassiceras scipionianum d'Orbigny 1844 ammonite
Agassiceras colesi Buckman 1845 ammonite
 Rhynchonellida - Prionorhynchiidae
""Rhynchonella" cf. belemnitica" = Prionorhynchia belemnitica
""Rhynchonella" cf. belemnitica" = Prionorhynchia belemnitica Quenstedt 1858
 Osteichthyes -
Osteichthyes indet. Huxley 1880 bony fish