GSQ L2734, creek behind stockyards, Gyranda (Permian of Australia)

Where: Queensland, Australia (25.2° S, 150.2° E: paleocoordinates 60.3° S, 144.8° E)

• coordinate estimated from map

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Barfield Formation, Wuchiapingian (259.9 - 254.2 Ma)

• Upper Barfield Formation, 138-140 m below Flat Top Formation. The Barfield Formation ranges from the Echinalosia wassi-E. deari brachiopod zones of Briggs (1998), correlated with the top of APP4.2, APP4.3, and the lower part of APP5 palynomorph zones. Radiometric calibration of these palynological zones by Laurie et al. (2016) suggests that APP4.3 is mid-Wuchiapingian and APP5 spans the late Wuchiapingian and Changhsingian. A Wuchiapingian age is assigned to the Barfield Formation here.

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: coastal; lithified mudstone

Size class: macrofossils

Collection methods: Repository: Geological Survey of Queensland

Primary reference: S. M. Parfrey. 1988. Biostratigraphy of the Barfield Formation, southeastern Bowen Basin, with a review of the fauna from the Ingelara and lower Peawaddy Formations, southwestern Bowen Basin. Queensland Deparment of Mines Report 1:1-53 [M. Clapham/M. Clapham]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 209013: authorized by Matthew Clapham, entered by Matthew Clapham on 21.04.2020

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Productida - Strophalosiidae
"Echinalosia deari" = Acanthalosia deari
"Echinalosia deari" = Acanthalosia deari Briggs 1998
 Productida - Monticuliferidae
 Spiriferinida - Spiriferellinidae
 Athyridida - Athyrididae
Cleiothyridina sp. Buckman 1906
 Auloporida - Pyrgiidae
Cladochonus nicholsoni Etheridge 1915 tabulate coral
 Favositida - Pachyporidae
Gertholites wilkinsoni Etheridge 1891 tabulate coral