SP-17, Saurópodo sector (eastern flank of Río de Las Chinas Valley) (Cretaceous to of Chile)

Where: Última Esperanza, Chile (50.7° S, 72.5° W: paleocoordinates 52.9° S, 60.5° W)

• coordinate stated in text

• small collection-level geographic resolution

When: Dorotea Formation, Late/Upper Campanian to Late/Upper Campanian (83.5 - 66.0 Ma)

• bed-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: fluvial; fine-grained, sandy mudstone

• sandy mudstones with fine-grained sandstone lenses

Size class: macrofossils

Collected in 2015-2019

Primary reference: J. Alarcón-Muñoz, S. Soto-Acuña, L. M. E. Manríquez, R. A. Fernández, D. Bajor, J. P. Guevara, F. Suazo Lara, M. A. Leppe, and A. O. Vargas. 2020. Freshwater turtles (Testudines: Pleurodira) in the Upper Cretaceous of Chilean Patagonia. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 102:102652 [P. Mannion/P. Mannion/P. Mannion]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 210130: authorized by Philip Mannion, entered by Philip Mannion on 21.05.2020, edited by Emma Dunne

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Salientia -
Anura indet. Fischer von Waldheim 1813 frog
 Mammalia -
 Ornithischia -
Ornithischia indet. Seeley 1888 ornithischian
Stegouros elengassen n. gen. n. sp. Soto-Acuña et al. 2021 ankylosaur
Holotype: CPAP-3165 (mostly complete skeleton)
 Theropoda -
 Saurischia -
Sauropoda indet. Marsh 1878 sauropod
 Testudines - Chelidae
cf. Yaminuechelys sp. de la Fuente et al. 2001 sideneck turtle
CPAP 4944 and 4945
 Testudines - Panchelidae
Panchelidae indet. Joyce et al. 2004 sideneck turtle
CPAP 5941 and 5942