Donets Basin, Izvarino section, L 7/1 (Carboniferous of Ukraine)

Where: Ukraine (48.3° N, 39.8° E: paleocoordinates 7.2° N, 34.3° E)

• coordinate estimated from map

When: Smedvinskaya Formation, Kashirian (313.8 - 311.4 Ma)

• as with most Pennsylvanian sections in the Donets Basin, fine-grained sandstones, siltstones, shales, coal seams, and limestones alternate cyclically

•a useful nomenclatural scheme specific to the Donets Basin was developed by Ukrainian geologists at the end of the nineteenth century. The Carboniferous sequence is divided into suites designated by letters. Capital letters refer to major marine limestones and numerals indicate stratigraphic order. Subordinate limestones with minor thickness overlying a major limestone are designated by a superscript numeral. Lower case letters indicate the coal seams of a suite, also with numbers for stratigraphic order.

•The Moscovian Stage in the Donets Basin comprises the upper part of the K (C low2 upper5 ) suite, the L (C low2 upper6) suite, the M (C low2 upper7) suite, and the lower part of the N (C low3 upper1) suite.

•The Izvarino section is continuosly exposed along the railway and ranges from limestone L (low4) to M (low1)

Environment/lithology: marine; wackestone and shale

• L 7/1 is a ferruginous wackestone, only 20cm thick

Size classes: mesofossils, microfossils

• high diversity of brachiopods, algae (Epimastoporella, Archaeolithophyllum, Ungdarella, Cuneiphycus), gastropods, and rare trilobites, commonly coated

Collected in Okt. 1999

Primary reference: B. Fohrer, T.I. Nemyrovska, E. Samankassou and K. Ueno. 2007. The Pennsylvanian (Moscovian) Izvarino Section, Donets Basin, Ukraine: a multidisciplinary study on microfacies, biostratigraphy (conodonts, foraminifers, and ostracodes), and paleoecology. Journal of Paleontology 81(5):1-85 [B. Seuss/B. Seuss/B. Seuss]more details

Purpose of describing collection: biostratigraphic analysis

PaleoDB collection 216041: authorized by Barbara Seuss, entered by Barbara Seuss on 04.12.2020

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Ozarkodinida - Idiognathodontidae
Gastropoda indet. Cuvier 1795 snail
 Palaeocopida - Youngiellidae
 Palaeocopida - Paraparchitidae
 Palaeocopida - Amphissitidae
 Palaeocopida - Hollinellidae
Jordanites krasnodonensis n. sp. ostracod
holotype O 2913.1.4.1
Hollinella (Praehollinella) kamenka n. sp. ostracod
holotype O 2915.1.3.2
Hollinella (Hollinella) granuloba n. sp. ostracod
holotype O 2913.1.1.1
Hollinella (Hollinella) sp. Coryell 1928 ostracod
 Podocopida -
Asturiella donbassica n. sp. ostracod
holotype O 2917.5.3.1
 Podocopida - Healdiidae
? Healdia sp. Roundy 1926 ostracod
 Podocopida - Bairdiidae
 Podocopida - Bairdiocyprididae
Pseudobythocypris pediformis Knight 1928 ostracod
 Platycopida - Cavellinidae
Cuneiphycus sp. Johnson 1960
 Dasycladales - Seletonellaceae
 Florideae -
Ungdarella sp. Maslov 1956
 Cryptonemiales - Archaeolithophyllaceae
 Fusulinoidea -
 Fusulinoidea - Ozawainellidae
 Fusulinoidea - Eostaffellidae
 Fusulinoidea - Schubertellidae
 Fusulinoidea - Pseudostaffellidae