Mlawula (Pleistocene to of Swaziland)

Also known as ETE Locality 744, Mlawula,

Where: Swaziland (26.4° S, 31.4° E)

• Paleocoordinates: 26.7° S, 31.4° E (Wright 2013)

When: Pleistocene to Pleistocene (2.6 - 0.0 Ma)

• ETE dating method: absolute, ETE age comment: early Holocene, age based on stone tools and artifacts radiometric intage_max, radiometric intage_min

Environment/lithology: cave

• ETE sed env 1: karst, ETE sed env 2: cave ETE event: ., ETE env comment: rock shelter
• ETE rock type adj: 0, ETE lithology comments: dolomite shelter

Collection methods: quarrying

• ETE Size: macro; ETE reference list: 483, 482, 481, 479, 478, 477, ; ETE museum list:

Primary reference: R. G. Klein. 1986. Later Stone Age Faunal Samples from Heuningneskrans Shelter (Transvaal) and Leopard's Hill Cave (Zambia). The South African Archaeological Bulletin 39:109-116 [A. Behrensmeyer/A. Behrensmeyer/M. Kosnik]more details

PaleoDB collection 21925: authorized by Anna Behrensmeyer, entered by Anna Behrensmeyer on 13.05.1997, edited by John Damuth, Richard Potts and Hannah O'Regan

Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)

Taxonomic list

 Lagomorpha - Leporidae
 Perissodactyla - Equidae
"Equus burchelli" = Equus quagga burchelli
"Equus burchelli" = Equus quagga burchelli Gray 1824 Burchell's zebra
 Artiodactyla - Bovidae
Tragelaphus strepsiceros Pallas 1766 greater kudu
Damaliscus lunatus Burchell 1823 common tsessebe
Alcelaphus sp. Blainville 1816 hartebeest
Hippotragus equinus Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire 1803 roan antelope
Hippotragus niger Harris 1838 sable antelope
Cephalophus monticola Thunberg 1789 blue duiker
Aepyceros melampus Lichtenstein 1812 impala
Raphicerus sharpei Thomas 1897 Sharpe's grysbok
Raphicerus campestris Thunberg 1811 steenbok
Oreotragus oreotragus Zimmermann 1783 klipspringer
Redunca fulvorufula Afzelius 1815 mountain reedbuck
 Artiodactyla - Suidae
Suidae indet. Gray 1821 pig
ETE number of identifiable specimens; species: Suidae
 Carnivora - Mustelidae
Mellivora capensis Schreber 1776 honey badger
 Carnivora - Herpestidae
Herpestes sanguineus Rüppell 1835 slender mongoose
 Carnivora - Hyaenidae
Parahyaena brunnea Thunberg 1820 brown hyaena
 Carnivora - Felidae
"Felis serval" = Caracal serval, "Felis caracal" = Caracal caracal, Panthera pardus
"Felis serval" = Caracal serval Schreber 1776 serval
"Felis caracal" = Caracal caracal Schreber 1776 caracal
Panthera pardus Linnaeus 1758 leopard