Also known as J40/f0230
Where: South Island, New Zealand (44.7° S, 170.8° E)
• Paleocoordinates: 46.9° S, 155.7° W (Wright 2013)
• coordinate based on unpublished field data
When: Heretaungan (49.5 - 46.2 Ma)
Environment/lithology: marine; sandstone
Size class: mesofossils
Primary reference: W. Schwarzhans. 2019. Reconstruction of the fossil marine bony fish fauna (Teleostei) from the Eocene to Pleistocene of New Zealand by means of otoliths. With studies of Recent congroid, morid and trachinoid otoliths. Memorie Della Societa ItalianĂ di Scienze Naturali e del Museo di Storia Naturale di Milano 46:1-326 [M. Uhen/M. Uhen]more details
Purpose of describing collection: general faunal/floral analysis
PaleoDB collection 219498: authorized by Mark Uhen, entered by Mark Uhen on 12.04.2021
Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)
Taxonomic list
unclassified | |
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Actinopteri | |
Gnathophis flemingi, Conger davidsmithi, Tonganago fastigatus, Tonganago wharenga, Rhynchoconger eocenicus, Maxwelliella urbana
Gnathophis flemingi Schwarzhans 1980 conger eel
Conger davidsmithi Schwarzhans 2019 conger eel
Tonganago fastigatus Schwarzhans 1980 conger eel
Tonganago wharenga Schwarzhans 2019 conger eel
Rhynchoconger eocenicus Shepherd 1916 conger eel
Maxwelliella urbana Schwarzhans 1980 conger eel | |
Pterothrissus angulatus Casier 1966 bonefish | |
Aulopus pristinus Schwarzhans 1980 | |
? Scopelosaurus brevirostris Schwarzhans 1980 | |
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"Centroberyx pulcher" = Trachichthodes pulcher
"Centroberyx pulcher" = Trachichthodes pulcher Schwarzhans 1980 | |
Parapercis richardsoni Schwarzhans 2019 | |
? Lethrinus crassiornatus Schwarzhans 2019 | |
"Verilus vetustus" = Neoscombrops vetustus, Acropoma aurora
"Verilus vetustus" = Neoscombrops vetustus Schwarzhans 1980
Acropoma aurora Schwarzhans 2019 | |
Pseudanthias multicrenatus Schwarzhans 2019 perch-like fish
? Cephalopholis aotearoa Schwarzhans 2019 perch-like fish | |
Symphysanodon inamata Schwarzhans 2019 perch-like fish | |
"? Pomadasys krebsi" = Pomadasyidarum krebsi
"? Pomadasys krebsi" = Pomadasyidarum krebsi Schwarzhans 1980 perch-like fish | |
? Platycephalus parapercoides Schwarzhans 1980 perch-like fish
? Platycephalus iaiunus n. sp. Schwarzhans 2019 perch-like fish | |
Pseudaequalobythites biplex n. sp. Schwarzhans 2019
Ampheristus sinuocaudatus Schwarzhans 1980
Hoplobrotula greenwoodi Nolf 1980 | |
"? Morone dentata" = Serranidarum dentatus
"? Morone dentata" = Serranidarum dentatus Schwarzhans 1980 Cardinalfish | |
"Ambassis antipodus" = Dapalis antipodus
"Ambassis antipodus" = Dapalis antipodus Schwarzhans 1980 | |
Macrurulus immanis Schwarzhans 1980 | |
Maorigadus anarchicus Schwarzhans 1980 | |
Eomyctophum sp., Eomyctophum broncus n. sp.
Eomyctophum sp. Danil'chenko 1947 lanternfish
Eomyctophum broncus n. sp. Schwarzhans 2019 lanternfish | |
Antigonia artata Schwarzhans 2019 | |
Waihaoclupea pinguis Schwarzhans 2019 herring | |
Krebsiella aperta Schwarzhans 1980
Waitakia aho Schwarzhans 2019
Waitakia proclinens Schwarzhans 2019 |