Pietraroja (Capasso collection) (Cretaceous of Italy)

Where: Campania, Italy (41.3° N, 14.6° E: paleocoordinates 23.5° N, 16.2° E)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Early/Lower Albian (112.0 - 109.0 Ma)

• upper Plattenkalk

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: basinal (); gray, cherty/siliceous mudstone and shelly/skeletal wackestone

• "intraplatform anoxic basin" - three possible models: lagoon, slope/shallow basin, and submarine channel
• cherty limestone (plattenkalk), "calcari selciferi ed ittiolitiferi"; "fine laminated mudstones with thin strata and lenses of packstones and wackestones rich in spicules of siliceous sponges"

Size class: macrofossils

Collected by Capasso

Primary reference: L. Taverne and L. Capasso. 2018. Osteology and relationships of Italoalbula pietrarojae gen. and sp. nov. (Teleostei, Albuliformes) from the Marine Cretaceous of Pietraroja (Campania, Southern Italy). Thalassia Salentina 40:95-118 [M. Clapham/J. Mordaunt/M. Clapham]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 221195: authorized by Matthew Clapham, entered by Josh Mordaunt on 16.07.2021

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Albuliformes - Albulidae
Italoalbula pietrarojae n. gen. n. sp.
Italoalbula pietrarojae n. gen. n. sp. Taverne and Capasso 2018 bonefish
Holotype- CLC I-48
 Crossognathiformes - Pachyrhizodontidae
Cavinichthys pachylepis n. gen. n. sp.3
Cavinichthys pachylepis n. gen. n. sp.3 Taverne and Capasso 2019
Holotype: CLC I-123
 Pholidophoriformes - Pleuropholidae
Pleuropholis decastroii4 Bravi 1988
Holotype: MPUN N° M 19432
 Gonorhynchiformes -
Caeus leopoldi2 Costa 1860
Holotype MPUN N° M 504
 Amiiformes -
Ionoscopus petrarojae1 Costa 1853 bowfin
Holotype MPUN N° M 507
 Pycnodontiformes - Pycnodontidae
Gregoriopycnodus bassanii6, "Proscinetes pillae n. sp." = Brauccipycnodus pillae5
Gregoriopycnodus bassanii6 Taverne et al. 2020
MPUN M 343
"Proscinetes pillae n. sp." = Brauccipycnodus pillae5 Capasso 2007
CLC I-347