Last Chance Road / Willow Springs (Jurassic to of the United States)

Where: Emery County, Utah (38.7° N, 111.4° W: paleocoordinates 35.1° N, 57.9° W)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Brushy Basin Member (Morrison Formation), Kimmeridgian to Kimmeridgian (157.3 - 145.0 Ma)

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: lacustrine - small; fine-grained, gray, calcareous sandstone

• "a shallow pond, or lake, separated from a large stream by an elevated area"
• "a fine grained, grey, limey sandstone"

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Preservation: cast

Collected by J Behunin & J. Behunin

Collection methods: surface (in situ),

• first discovered by Homer and Joanne Behunin of Redmond, Utah

Primary reference: M. E. J. Chandler. 1966. Fruiting organs from the Morrison Formation of Utah, U.S.A. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Geology 12(4):139-171 [M. Carrano/M. Carrano]more details

Purpose of describing collection: general faunal/floral analysis

PaleoDB collection 221973: authorized by Matthew Carrano, entered by Matthew Carrano on 03.09.2021

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

• J. A. Jensen: "Several large dinosaur bones were present but due to the activity of amateur bone collectors there is little evidence left to suggest the mode of their introduction into the area."
 Dinosauria -
Plantae indet. Haeckel 1866
thorn and other indeterminate materials
Carpolithus sp. Linnaeus 1768
Carpolithus radiatus n. sp. Chandler 1966
BYU 51, 53, 58–60
Carpolithus provoensis n. sp. Chandler 1966
BYU 50
 Pinales - Taxodiaceae
Hillistrobus axelrodi n. gen. n. sp.
Hillistrobus axelrodi n. gen. n. sp. Chandler 1966
BYU 40–42
 Coniferales - Cupressaceae
Sequoia sp. Endlicher 1847 coast redwood
 Coniferales - Taxodineae
 Cycadales -
Cycadales indet. Dumortier 1829 cycads
Behuninia joannei n. gen. n. sp. Chandler 1966 cycads
BYU 1, 2, 3, 4, 7–10
Jensensispermum redmondi
Jensensispermum redmondi n. gen. n. sp.
Jensensispermum redmondi n. gen. n. sp. Chandler 1966
BYU 22–30