Galaxidi (Triassic to of Greece)

Also known as Koutsouros–Kokkinovrakhos

Where: Greece (38.4° N, 22.5° E: paleocoordinates 6.6° N, 20.2° E)

• coordinate estimated from map

When: Anisian to Anisian (247.2 - 208.5 Ma)

Environment/lithology: marine; lithology not reported

Size class: microfossils

Primary reference: O. Koukousioura and V.-G. Dimou. 2021. The Fossil Record of Conodonts in Greece. In E. Vlachos (ed.), Fossil Vertebrates of Greece Vol. 1 [E. Vlachos/E. Vlachos/E. Vlachos]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 222707: authorized by Evangelos Vlachos, entered by Evangelos Vlachos on 21.10.2021

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Ozarkodinida - Gladigondolellidae
Gladigondolella tethydis Huckriede 1958 conodont
 Ozarkodinida - Gondolellidae
"Neospathodus cf. kockeli" = Nicoraella kockeli Tatge 1956 conodont
Neogondolella sp. Bender and Stoppel 1965 conodont
Neospathodus cf. cristagalli Huckriede 1958 conodont
Neospathodus aff. germanicus Kozur 1972 conodont
"Metapolygnathus polygnathiformis" = Paragondolella polygnathiformis Budurov and Stefanov 1965 conodont
"Hindeodella triassica" = Neohindeodella triassica Müller 1956 conodont
"Neohindeodella triassica" = Neohindeodella triassica Müller 1956 conodont
"Hindeodella spengleri" = Cypridodella spengleri Huckriede 1958 conodont
"Enantiognathus petrae" = Cratognathodus multihamatus Huckriede 1958 conodont
Gondolella sp. Stauffer and Plummer 1932 conodont
Enantiognathus ziegleri Diebel 1956 conodont
Hindeodella andrusovi Kozur and Mostler 1972 conodont
 Prioniodontida - Prioniodinidae