Talsoi River, south of Rampura (Statherian of India)

Where: Madhya Pradesh, India (24.5° N, 75.5° E: paleocoordinates 0.0° N, 0.0° E)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Suket Shale Formation (Semri Group), Statherian (1800.0 - 1600.0 Ma)

• Constrained by U-Pb SHRIMP radiometric dates of 1593 +/- 12 Ma (lower tuff RP/4) and 1602 +/- 10 Ma (upper tuff RP/5, several meters above RP/4) rom the top of the correlative Rampur Shale, and 1628 +/- 8 Ma from the underlying Deonar Porcellanite Formation (Rasmussen et al. 2002). Taking the two closely-spaced Rampur tuff beds together, Rasmussen et al. (2002) estimated an age of 1599 +/- 8 Ma for the top of the unit. Ray et al. (2002) dated two ash beds from the Deonar Formation using U-Pb TIMS, yielding 1631.2 +/- 5.6 Ma and 1630.7 +/- 0.8 Ma.

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: marine; lithified, green shale

Size class: microfossils

Preservation: original carbon

Collection methods: chemical, hydroflouric

Primary reference: P. K. Maithy and M. Shukla. 1977. Microbiota from the Suket Shales, Ramapura, Vindhyan System (late Pre-Cambrian), Madhya Pradesh. The Palaeobotanist 23:176-188 [M. Clapham/M. Clapham]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 227768: authorized by Matthew Clapham, entered by Matthew Clapham on 29.10.2022

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

cf. Kakabekia sp. Barghoorn 1965
 Chroococcales - Chroococcaceae
Aphanocapsaopsis sitholeyii n. gen. n. sp. Maithy and Shukla 1977
Aphanocapsaopsis ramapuraensis n. sp. Maithy and Shukla 1977
 Oscillatoriales - Oscillatoriaceae
Palaeoscytonema srivastavae n. gen. n. sp. Maithy and Shukla 1977
Eomycetopsis reticulata n. sp. Maithy and Shukla 1977
Eomycetopsis psilata n. sp. Maithy and Shukla 1977
Eomycetopsis pflugii n. sp. Maithy and Shukla 1977
Oscillatoriopsis psilata n. sp. Maithy and Shukla 1977
Myxococcoides ramapuraensis n. sp. Maithy and Shukla 1977
Myxococcoides magnus n. sp. Maithy and Shukla 1977
Myxococcoides globosa n. sp. Maithy and Shukla 1977
Tasmanites vindhyanensis n. sp. Maithy and Shukla 1977
 Life -
Kildinella suketensis n. sp. Maithy and Shukla 1977 acritarchs
Kildinella minuta n. sp. Maithy and Shukla 1977 acritarchs
Archaeofavosina reticulata n. sp. Maithy and Shukla 1977 acritarchs
Vavosphaeridium vindhyanensis Maithy 1969 acritarchs
Granomarginata rotata n. sp. Maithy and Shukla 1977 acritarchs
Protosphaeridium volkovae n. sp. Maithy and Shukla 1977 acritarchs
Protosphaeridium densum Timofeev 1966 acritarchs
Zonosphaeridium punctatum n. sp. Maithy and Shukla 1977 acritarchs
Orygmatosphaeridium plicatum n. sp. Maithy and Shukla 1977 acritarchs
Nucellosphaeridium minimum n. sp. Maithy and Shukla 1977 acritarchs
Nucellosphaeridium zonatum n. sp. Maithy and Shukla 1977 acritarchs
Symplassosphaeridium bulbosum n. sp. Maithy and Shukla 1977 acritarchs
  - Chlorococcaceae
Palaeoanacystis punctatus n. sp. Maithy and Shukla 1977
Palaeoanacystis suketensis n. sp. Maithy and Shukla 1977
Palaeoanacystis reticulatus n. sp. Maithy and Shukla 1977
Palaeoanacystis verrucosus n. sp. Maithy and Shukla 1977